Chapter 4: If I Profane...

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Detention is over and Eddie is back home at his trailer.
Eddie's POV
No matter how hard I try I can't get those eyes out my head. I went outside sat on the steps of the trailer and lit up a cigarette. I thought it might calm my nervous about a) that moment that just happened and b) this fucking English test tomorrow. I looked up at the night sky. Sigh "you know there maybe billions of stars twinkling above my head right now but... (takes a drag of a cigarette) ...still ain't as fucking beautiful as  her eyes or her smile" I took two more drags "fuck it" I hopped in my van and went to Harrington's. Dustin told me where she lived when he was raving on about how popular and rich she is.

I pulled up to her house. She was standing on her balcony. Talk about fucking ironic huh. She had a cup in her hand I imagine it was coffee or cocoa. She had her hair down and looked so different I'd never seen her with her hair down before. I decided it was now or never.

"Psst Princess Y/N!" I said whisper shouting trying to get her attention. She looked down and her eyes went wide "Eddie! What the hell are you doing here?" She seemed somewhat surprised to see me. " well I...I came here to see you I need to talk to you about something...about Romeo and Juliet...for tomorrow" I said trying not to sound didn't just make up an excuse to see her. She opened the door. "Eddie Munson you are very lucky my parents and Steve aren't home" I smiled "so basically I wanted to see if you would help me with this section in Act 1 I didn't really understand?" She smiled and asked me to come in. She has a nice house. Parents are definitely rich.

"So Eddie basically he's saying if his unworthiness insults her by holding her hand let him make it better by giving her a kiss" I say explaining  Act 1 Scene 5 to him. "So Eddie what does he mean by have saint not lips?"
I look at Eddie think "so is she trying to be all holy and saying that holding hands is God's way of kissing but he is saying that saints have lips so they should totally kiss?" I look at him in awe that he actually got it right "Yes well done, erm for this test you're gonna need to use quotes so let's act out the last part huh?" Eddie contemplated "um sure whatever you say"

Y/n: Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer
Eddie: O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do;
They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.

You felt yourself and Eddie really get into the reading you came closer as you read your lines

Y/N: Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake.
Eddie: Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take.

In that moment you felt lips upon yours.

You felt his lips on yours. Then just as you realised what had happened he stopped. " seem to have picked up this scene quite well" there was just silence you and Eddie stood there in front of each other looking at each other trying to process that kiss. "Y/N the script said to-"Eddie began to speak before you cut him off impulsively saying "kiss me again"

Before you could process what you had said you felt those lips again. But this time you kissed back. It felt like heaven. You had kissed boys before but you'd never kissed a boy like Eddie. You'd never kissed a boy the way you kissed Eddie. It was romantic and passionate. Just before Eddie could place his hands on your waist you heard "Y/N I'm home" shit it was Steve...

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