a Recent Friend of Morphine

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Three thousand mysteries of Universe

at my Possession

won't match Thy Eloquence in Beauty.

What doeth resist the Pressure from the Walls

of Solitude

When all my Reverence is Nightly busy

with one overwhelming Multitude of Freckles,

Each spot defining Miraculous Presence of Thou

in Aerial Expansion, quite softening the Weight of sudden Desperation?

What would and my Appeal redeem from cause to re-Discover

A Spatial Greeting Thou utter with the Halt in Breath

If Mysteries of mine yet coming in a Hurry

Bit wither'd along the Rush...

........................Yet Coming to an End?

What Edge of Darkness doeth repel attempt of My Impatience

to frame Thyne Face again amidst the Crowds of Agitated Figures?

Yet art not We, ah! same Odd-Spirited People


Of Thyne Freckles....

........... diminish'd.... in Number?

Or ain't We quite different then

When knowingly for both of us

Thyne Freckles contract and re-Appear

and thus, My Temper towards Thou, accordingly.

How can't one be ultimately Serious?

When Stars above the Aeolean Top

Vanish in an instant

With no more Promise to Return.

When Thou were so Young

I saw so many Freckles!

but now, merely one

or hardly Two

and if Thou wish, entire Three.

So would Thou please answer

and how to base such Brick of Love

around Meagre Quantity of Freckles

in times when Thou're angry at me

though when Thou're quite relieved and 

seeking for one Soothing Concoction

Oh Wonders! Some Freckles of past

dare to embelish Thy Cunning Cheeks another day

Of course, it's not Thyne Fault.
There is no blame in Lady, retaining herself as the Ginger-Braided,

Acquintance of Warmer Weather,

Brand Fellow of the Scorching Sun.

Before I introduce Next Letter

Let me tell how

one Recent Friend of Morphine

but Morphine yet from Smoking Den of mine

painted a Wooden Room

with every clumsly move of Guest

Awoken in pitch Fever right after Nightmare

I bet Thou're correct She was a Poet-ess

indebted in My Favour.

She praised her every beginning

concerning Next Letter

but when I was Absent,

Like Freckles of Thine just by yesterday,

While pouring Nectar from bottle a'far left on table

next to her bed

her catatonic laughter combined with hectic vigour

couldn't tame her move of hand

And precious drops of hardly-earned Morphine

Yet as I told ye quite several times

Yet Morphine but from Smokey Den of Mine

fell onto Surface of the Carpet

Mmmm.... Entire Persian Rug!

Couldn't be and even more Violent.

You better bet how my reaction was priceless:


[*flash - flash, bling-bling, and now Thou're copper-Star

Only in proud Merchantry, the metropole of LONDON. Please shun thyne gaze from sleekness of My Inner DANDY;

Issued one policy: Thou don't deserve contours of litographic image of Mine

Wasted drop of Morphine equals to hatred. Thus any trace of my Aura's slowly confiscated.

Cannot anymore influence My Darkness, My Friend? And by the way, where iz thyne Crave? ]

Back to Thyne Freckles,

in times when Thou're angry at me

They so, could be more than just Lovely

but Thou can't stop them diminishing in Number.

When Thou were so Young 

Thou had 'em in Bounty.

Oh! Now again they re-appear just with one Smile.

Concerning my Idle, Next Letter,

I'm waiting for too

as well as My Guest quite fancies of.

I bet Thou're correct She is indeed the Poet-ess

Resplendid in Fashion of her Dress,

Articulate in Manner of her Speech

and quite surprisingly, she doeth indeed speak Less

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