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"You drinketh nectar of my lips

Although, I know You're boozer, Sire

Please stay away from me",

And with such thoughts she broke my heart.

"You drinketh nectar of my lips

You drinketh nectar of my lips",

Echoed again.


Or am I again and in Outer-Realm

Where people hear each other thoughts


Mind to mind connection?

And the same Lady praised me instantly

"Just look at his Intel. 

Just look at his Intel.

Brighter and brighter"

Who are those mysterious people

Who send me voice signals

With the sole Brain-Power?

Am I schizophreniac?

Or has Mrs Sarah Palin activated 

HAARP station by State of Alaska again?

Well, if she does on purpose

doesn't it mean that I'm not paranoid

But rather forgot to wear my favorite tinfoil hat.

Mind readers are so irritating

They wanna watch my Memories 

I close my eyes and feel so anxious about 

That they might observe

My darkest nightmares.

How can I hide my deepest secrets


Is that possible at all

When people smoke MARIJUANA or take some LSD

they read each other thoughts

So how can Gays survive

When entire country on HIGH

discerns without effort

that particular Guy is actually HOMO

Right after his first snort of COCAINE.

Some people smoke and remain OKAY

but others instantenously become too GAY

Oh whatta mystery!

MARIJUANA is so unpredictable.

Its better not to smoke

In order to hide secrets 

And hide from all in closet.

But one Lady who got too much 

Decided to read my mind

And she induced HALLUCINATION.

I tried to deny one access

Yet every time I smoke some weed

Her conversation starts 

Again I'm in Room 

And her voice comes as loudly

As if she's somewhere nearby.

Yet I know she's non-existent

But why does it feel so real?

Grey Wolves of Northern WeiWhere stories live. Discover now