One Cleric from Saxony

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Many unreprimanded guys too soon tend to forget that

before Crimean War between Britain and Romanov Dynasty

yet by the lineage of Old Gentry

My distant Grand-Ancestor functioning as the Royal Diplomat

used to share a collection, better to sa,y a list of highly important contacts

from Ottoman Istanbul.

And even after 500 years

to surprise of British Lords and Honourable Squires,
 I if ever walk by the Network of Shadow

you can be firmly confident that those Shadows wilt definitely recognize one offshoot of old Crimean Aristocracy.

However, of course it's not in my interest to ever employ those aforementioned contacts

And that's the beauty of Shadow Crimean Nobility.

That first of all, British Representatives are fully acknowledged with the strange fact that they do exist

And in turn to disclose those Shadow Family trees poses a certain danger primarily to the cadency of British supervision on global scale

And thus, even if I do somehow relate to the the so-called Network of Shadow

precisely by means of the blood

Yet on some unspoken ladder

I simply can't cross certain silver-linings.

Quite intricate isn't it?

Is it a coincidence that Ambassador of Protestant England

Sir Anthony Jenkinson sought a deliberate audience

with the Monarch of old Tartaria

whose office my ancestor used to sweep as the Royal Diplomat,

a contemporarae of Her Majesty Elizabeth Tudor?

How could that be possible

that Embassy of Protestant England

visited my Forefather and in Crimea and in Siberia

And in Europe and in Asia?

Why does the capital of Poland

Proud Merchantry of City Krakow

 still retain archives about my renessaince lineage?

Am I truly part of one Ancient Puzzle?

or Am I just hallucinating?

My Dear Reader,

Before I intorduce some mysterious Network of Shadow

I want thou to take it for granted

some chain of paranormal events.

Long times ago, way before the king William invaded island of Britain 

One cleric from Saxony made his life-term goal

to convert my Vagabond Clan to Catholic Christianity.

Though, Wandering Tribe of Ashkenazi Jews had already

elucidated numerous Chief-tains of Khazars and Pechenegs

 on highly serious subject of Nations Gog and Magog.

And for more than 1000 Years

Catholic Church perceived guests from the distant East 

as those potential figures who could pave the way

To the rise of Enigmatic conglomerate

entwined in between with Ashkenazi Jewish influx.

St Bruno Bonidacio du Quefurt 

in certain sense marked the age 

when every step of my Ancestors

made on European Territory 

were to be reported directly to courtyard of Vatican

And for the Catholic Church

such affair ignited natural curiosity

that somewhere along the Polish border 

several Jewish Tabernacles, better to say, Camps

educated Elders of my Clan on nature of universe

and the more they listen to the Jewish Sages

More convinced they became

that it wasn't by some random accident

for them to roam the Polish land.

And the Jewish Sages showed all preliminary signs

That times were coming

so, it was necessary

for Wandering Tribe to intermingle with Nomads

and further infiltrate the Polish populace

Til came the strange day

when the neighbouring Polish Gent 

felt so compelled that he came in front of Jewish Camp

just to get a glimpse of the enormous noise happening just by his border.

And the Jewish Sage was surrounded by Several Chief-tains

And up to present day,

to All Caucasian Race, this particularly story

might sound as pure Deja Vu.

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