Liam and Zayn DM.

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Liam_ Payne: Hello?

ZAYN: Hey.

Liam_Payne: Why did you want me to Dm you?

ZAYN: I just wanted to see who everyone was telling me i should be with.

Liam_Payne: Oh. Ok.

ZAYN: So, how are you?

Liam_Payne: Im ok. A bit tired.

ZAYN: Long day?

Liam_Payne: Yeah. Photoshoot was long and hot.

ZAYN: Why? Because you were there?

Liam_Payne: 😳 What?

ZAYN: Lol sorry.

Liam_Payne: No your fine it just took me by surprise.

ZAYN: Lol. Get some rest.

Liam_Payne: That's not as easy as you think.

ZAYN: Yeah i know. Im a model too.

Liam_Payne: Yeah. Ill try though.

ZAYN: Alright. Text me when you wake up.

Liam_Payne: Alright. Bye

ZAYN: Bye Liam.
-Lukas 💙💚

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