💛Niall and Shawn DM💖

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~Niall Regular, Shawn Bold~
Hey Niall. 🤗

Oh hi!

How are you doing?

Im decent thanks, what brings you to my humble dm abode?

Your post. You don't deserve all that hate.

Im used to it, its alright. 🙂

But you shouldn't be. I know, every famous person is bound to get hated on, but yours is terrible. No one deserves to be treated like that. No one.

Its fine Shawn. Thank you for worrying about me but im fine ☺

You sure?

Yeah, I promise I wont let the hate get to me.

Good. Im going to believe you on this, but if you ever need someone to talk to im here.

Thanks. I'll message you if something happens or it gets out of hand.

Ok. Bye for now Niall

Bye Shawn.

I didn't keep my promise.
There is the chapter. Drama coming up. A heads up.
Does anyone even read this anymore?
-Gemini 💙💚

~Larry Stylinson Instagram~ {Permant Hiatus}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt