🏳️‍🌈Group Chat🏳️‍🌈

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Niall🍀: Hey Guys, me and Shawn have an announcement.

Louis💅: Oh my god, are you guys engaged!?

Shawn🍩: Not yet.

Harry🐸: What is it?

Liam✨: Yeah Niall, what is it?

Niall🍀: Me and Shawn are moving in together.

Zayn🌑: That's amazing mate! In happy for you guys.

Shawn🍩: Thanks.

Louis💅: Do you know when?

Shawn🍩: No, but Ni says I can start moving my stuff whenever.

Harry🐸: So your moving to Niall's house?

Niall🍀: I have a better house.

Shawn🍩: I like his house more.

Liam✨: I love Niall's house.

Niall🍀: I love my house too.

Zayn🌑: I've never been to Niall's house.

Louis💅: Me either.

Zayn🌑: Good to know I'm not the only one.

Shawn🍩: You should all come over sometime.

Niall🍀: Yeah you should!

Louis💅: I'm free Friday.

Harry🐸: So am I

Liam✨: Same.

Zayn🌑: I'm free in the afternoon on Friday, but I have a shoot in morning.

Shawn🍩: That's ok, we'll save all the fun stuff for after you get here.

Zayn🌑: Alright then. I'll be there.

Niall🍀: YAY!!!

Shawn🍩: Niall did you ever find my green jumper?

Harry🐸: That was so random.

Niall🍀: Noooo....

Shawn🍩: Keep it.

Niall🍀: YAY!

Liam✨: Whipped

Harry🐸: Agreed.

Niall🍀: I've gotta go. Bye guys.

Shawn🍩: Same, bye.

Zayn🌑: You guys better not...

Liam✨: Oh my god.

Louis💅: LMAO!

Harry🐸: You guys are so dirty minded.

Louis💅: You love it.

Harry🐸: Never said I didn't.
Finally got one done.

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