Meeting The Boys

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There will be some POV switches but not a bunch. Don't want y'all to get whiplash
Louis POV
Zayn has gone missing. Not literally, but I have looked around the house at least ten times and I still haven't found him. The car is still parked in the drive, so he didn't leave.


About ten seconds after that comes out of my mouth Zayn comes barreling down the stairs, with a petrified look on his face. "No no no no no!!!!! You can't do that!!!" A laugh escaped from behind my lips, ruining my ignorant and irritated look. "Where the fook where you?"

He tilts his head lightly to the side. "Hiding" He says. "Hiding from what?" He points to me before walking past me into the kitchen.

I walk after him, a hundred different questions in my mind. "Where were you?" He flips around, hopping up on the counter. "If I told you it wouldn't be my hiding spot anymore." I roll my eyes, and turn around to walk to the living room.

Plopping myself down onto the couch, I pull out my phone to check Instagram. A notification sits waiting for me on the screen. Harry Styles has uploaded a post. I click on it quickly, but Instagram can't seem to load fast enough. As soon as it pops open, I click the like button. Damn it, I wasn't first. But maybe that's good, maybe it'll let the rumors die down.

I let my eyes flicker to the picture, and my brain dies. I think I have forgotten how to breathe. My eyes are stuck to the screen, and I can't seem to pull them away. I can feel my cheeks heat up as the picture continues to stare up at me. I have gone completely oblivious to the rest of the world.


I whip around, seeing Zayn standing there with a smirk on his face. My hand flies up to rub at the back of my head. "OI! What the hell was that for?" He grabs my arm and yanks me up off of the couch." We're leaving." He says, dragging me out the door. "Where? Why? Zayn?" He just clamps his hand over my mouth and shoves in the passenger seat.

To any onlookers it would look I was being kidnapped. What the fuck is wrong with my life?
Zayn's POV
As I pull into the drive if Harry's mansion, I can see Liam waving through the window. I give a small smile and wave back, as he turns to alert Harry of our arrival.

I grab my shoe, and throw it at Lou, who fell asleep during the car ride. He jolts up and grabs the shoe, throwing it right back at me. Luckily, I catch it before it hits me giving him a smirk in the mirror.

"Zayn, where the hell are we?" I unbuckle my seatbelt, hopping out and opening the passenger door. "You'll have to wait and see." He unbuckles his seatbelt, and we walk up to the door. I knock lightly as Lou stands there, arms crossed tapping his foot.

The door swings open, slamming against the frame. Harry stands there in the doorway with Liam behind him. And Blue, meets Green.

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