One too many drinks

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Valentino's POV

Im waiting downstairs ready after 3 hours . I can't wait to see what bambina looks like. Why do women takes so long to get ready. It takes me less than 1 hour. What the hell are they doing? Watching a movie damn it?  

The event is one of the biggest annual moments each year. It's also a supportive place to meet some of my colleagues on the drug transportation business. Some new people want to make deals with me but for a price.

I hear heels coming down the stairs. I put my head up to see this goddess coming down.

Holy shit. "Fanculo." ( Fuck) I whisper breath taken.

"You like it?" She comes up to me.

"Like? I love it. You look beautiful." I take her hand and follow her to the car, opening it for her.

"Why can't I come?" I turn around to see little Gio with his stuffed giraffe toy.

"Because..." I come up to him, "we are going to an adult party. But on a good note, your birthday is coming up. I will make sure it's the best birthday party ever ok?" I ensure.

"Ok!" He smiles running back to the house. The maids quickly follow him. Oh Amiliana definitely gonna make him spoiled.

Amiliana's POV

I'm in the car waiting for Valentino that's talking to Gio. So adorable. I've decided on wether I should ask THE question. I'm going to ask him.

He opens the door and sits inside by me, telling the driver to take us. I'm nervous.

"Um, I have a question." I fiddle my fingers looking down.

"Mhm, and I have an answer." He says typing on his phone.

" is there any chance, I... can go back home?" I say nervously. Why am I nervous?



" I AM... not having this conversation with you. You are mine and you will stay here with me. Over my dead body, you will leave me. Understood?"

"I have family, and friends. I have a life there! ATLEAST let me visit say goodbye to them." I plead

He sighs thinking. "Ok. But not right now." He turns back to his phone typing.

After around 40 minutes, we arrive to this huge building with two valets opening the doors for us. I get out from the help of one of them. Valentino introduces his arm to link around mine.

We walk to the guard who was looking at the list. "Name plea-" he looks up to see Valentino. "Oh- um Capo." He nervously speaks. Valentino looks at his watch annoyed. The guard catches on. "Sorry Capo for the wait." He moves to open the door for us with his head down. Pretty scared for a buff guy.

We go inside the ballroom to see everyone turning their heads to us. The men are looking at me smirking while the girls are whispering with envy swirling in their eyes. 

An old man comes up to us.  "Ehi! È passato un po' di tempo Capo. Chi è questa bellezza qui?" (Hey! Its been a while Capo. Who is this beauty here?) He smirks looking at me up and down.

"ti spaccherò gli occhi se continui a guardarla in quel modo." (i'll pop out your eyes if you keep looking at her like that.)

I really need to learn Italian. I can't stand this.

"I'm going to sit with him for a while, wait for me." Valentino whispers to me. I nod.

They both go and join the rest of the men that seem to enjoy their whiskeys. I go walk to the bar. I need a drink.

"Hi. Can I get a freestyle martini?" I ask the bartender.

"Are you sure you want freestyle. I'm very free with the amount of alcohol I'll put."  He flirts with me.

"I don't really care. Do what you want. I need to be free today." I laugh. He laughs back going to make the drink. He hands me the martini and I taste it. It's pretty good.

"Hm. I like it. Bravo." I applaud.

"Thanks." He smiles

I finish the martini and I feel a little funny but I like the feeling.

"Let me get another one of those." I slur.

"Are you sure? It's pretty strong. You sure you'll handle another one?"

" You men. You men think y'all are the shit. You think a fucking woman can't handle this? You wanna bet!"

"No no" he laughs in surrender. "I'll make you another one."

He hands me the drink and I drink it faster than the first one.

*two hours and 5 Martinis later*

Valentinos POV:

I'm still talking to my colleagues and I turn my head looking for Amiliana. She's at the bar. Talking and laughing with a man. Who the fuck he think he is to make my girl laugh?

I get up from the table and the men are calling my name wondering where I'm going. I go to the bar seeing Amiliana having an unsteady balance.

"Oh... heyyy" she slurs turning to me.  " what are you-" she touches my nose, "doing here."

"Meet my friend bob!" She exclaims.

"Um its actually Ben. She is very drunk. She's had 5 Martinis already." The bartender says.

5?! "And you allow her to drink that many!" I angrily yelled at the bartender.

"I'm sorry but she kept accusing me of a sexist saying that If I don't give her the drink, I think women are weak. Im a full feminist sir." He says proudly.

I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Alright Ami, we're leaving. Come on."

"Fine. Bye bob!" She smiles walking with me.
"It's Ben!" He corrects.

We go inside the car. Two hour drive back.

"I'm horny." Ami blurts out.

" I've been horny for weeks. I think you can survive a day." I look at my phone.  I feel my phone taken away from my hands.

"Give me back my phone Amiliana. Your drunk." I look at her. She smirks.

"I may be drunk but..." she climbs on top of me. "I'm not drunk enough to know what I want." She whispers in my ear. She slowly kisses me and goes down to my neck, making me moan. "Fuck." I murmur.

I push her away, "No. No. We can't do this. Your drunk."

"Please." She pleads.

"No. We will do it when you haven't drank 5 Martinis."

"Fine" she pouts.

As much as I want to fuck the oblivion outta her, she cannot be drunk.

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