The Kosuishin meets the Bandit

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Note: This story is a Censored version of a story posted on Archive of Our Own. The original version of the story contains content that is not allowed on Wattpad. This version will have content that is not allowed removed and/or replaced.

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Within the Kangaeru Mountains, 500 Kilometers south of East City, a river flows calmly eastward, through a small glade, parting by a small island with a small monastery before joining back into a singular river and flowing out of the glade. Here, a lone girl who goes by the Kosuishin resides, protecting the monastery and the treasure it holds within. Unknown to the Kosuishin, she is soon to embark on the greatest adventure of her life, prompted by the meeting of a bandit searching for riches.

Chapter 1: "The Kosuishin meets the Bandit"

A self proclaimed bandit by the name of Yamcha drives his motorcycle on a rough and bumpy road. He brings a small radar up to view in order to see it. Several dots beep on the radar, but his focus is drawn to the one closest in proximity. He quickly slams on the brakes, stopping the motorcycle almost instantly, nearly tipping it over. He plants his foot down, giving balance to the now leaning motorcycle as he focuses more on the radar. His eyes dart up, focusing on a small glade in the distance within the valley he's traveling through. "It should be there. Radar says so. Unless it's actually a dud," The bandit says as he places the radar in his pocket, pushing aside his scabbard, which holds a dao sword. Yamcha twists his wrist, revving the engine and fixing his balance. The motorbike quickly darts forward, kicking up dust in its wake.

Yamcha parks his motorcycle just outside the glade. He looks up at the tall trees in a mixture of awe and general indifference. His gaze returns to eye level as he quickly steps forward, entering the glade. The trees are quite dense, prompting Yamcha to cut through branches using his sword. After a few chops, he enters the glade. The sunlight shines through the small opening above, illuminating the water in a way that makes it sparkle like it's made out of gemstones. Yamcha's focus is drawn to a small monastery on a small island within the river. He quickly pulls out his radar, clicking the button on the top. A dot beeps approximately where the monastery is. The bandit looks up to the monastery, "No doubt about it, it's definitely in there," Yamcha is about to walk forward before his eyes widen at the sight of a small girl, walking into view from the other side of the monastery.

The small girl appears to be no more than 9 or 10 years old. Her hair is pitch black and styled in a Yun Ji bun. She's wearing a blue and cyan colored Hanfu. She holds her hands together as she approaches the river's west side, she gets down on her knees and cups her hands together in a praying motion. The little girl closes her eyes and seemingly begins to pray. Yamcha is taken aback by this. He crouches behind a tree and watches the girl, "What the-? What's a little girl doing all the way out here? There isn't a house anywhere nearby. Unless that monastery is her home? But it's way too small for a family. Maybe she's alone?"

The little girl opens her eyes and stands up. She crouches down and quickly jumps forward, leaping towards the water. Yamcha goes wide-eyed, expecting the girl to plunge into the water. However, the girl lands on top of the water, standing on the surface with her toes. "Wh-What the heck?! She's standing on the water! She's not sinking!" The little girl assumes several Kung Fu poses, cycling between them. Yamcha turns his head to the monastery and smirks, "While she's distracted, I can go inside and get what I need. Then nobody needs to get hurt. Not that she could stand up to me anyway."

The bandit quickly jumps over the river, clearing it with ease. Landing on the small island, Yamcha slowly walks up to the small monastery, keeping an eye on the little girl, who's still distracted by doing her Kung Fu poses. He comes up to the door and gently opens it. The floor is covered by cushioned pillows. In the back of the room, a pedestal sits with a cushion. On the cushion, sits an orange crystal ball with 5 red stars inside of it. Yamcha smiles deviously, "There it is! The Dragon Ball!" He approaches the Dragon Ball slowly and picks it up, taking in the sight, "I am one step closer to having my wish granted!"
"Hey!" A little girl's voice shouts from outside.
Yamcha goes wide-eyed and turns to see the little girl standing at the entrance of the door, "What the-?! I-I didn't hear her approaching! How did she get there?" Yamcha thinks to himself.
"What are you doing with that?" The little girl says sternly, scowling.
Yamcha smiles and stands tall, facing the little girl, "Sorry to inconvenience you, but I'll be taking this now. If you don't wanna get hurt, I suggest you step out of the way and let me leave."
"I'm not letting you leave with that. It is my job to make sure that the treasures of the Kangaeru river are safe. That includes that Dragon Ball you hold in your hand!" The little girl says.
Yamcha looks down at the Dragon Ball and then back to the little girl, "I see, so you know what the Dragon Ball is?"
The girl nods, "Yeah, it's the most sacred treasure of the Kangaeru river, and I won't let you take it!"
Yamcha chuckles, "Oh yeah? What's a little girl like you gonna do?"

Mystical JourneyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora