The Monkey King vs. The Bandit

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The motorbike kicks up dirt as it travels through the mountains of Paozu. Yamcha focuses on driving, while Okra clings to his waist, riding on the back. Okra looks around with a suspicious expression. "I have a weird feeling about this place," Okra says, looking up at Yamcha.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Yamcha asks.
"We Kosuishin were tasked with protecting the Monastery of the Kangaeru river. We were taught specially to know when we're being watched. And right now, I have that feeling," Okra says, looking around again.
Yamcha chuckles, "It's just your imagination, kid. The Paozu mountains are known to be a bit weird. Miles and Miles from any civilization. There's probably a few creatures lurking about. Just don't worry about it, we're fine," Yamcha continues, focusing on the trail, paying little attention to his surroundings.
Okra smiles, "I guess you're right."

Chapter 3: "The Monkey King vs. The Bandit!"

The pair ride adjacent to a large ravine, one wrong move would send them plunging into the river below. Yamcha's eyes look to the side as he nervously sweats, "Would hate to fall down there. Maybe I should let off on the speed," Yamcha loosens his grip on the clutch.
Okra's tail tenses up as the feeling that something is watching them worsens. She looks around rapidly, "Yamcha! Stop!"
Yamcha quickly slams on the brakes, prompting the bike to stop. He plants his leg on the ground quickly to keep balance. He quickly turns around to Okra, "What? What is it?"
Okra stands up on the bike and gets into a fighting position. She continues to look around rapidly, trying to pinpoint the location of what's making her feel the way she's feeling, "Something's watching us! I know it!"
"You're still on that?" Yamcha says, getting ready to continue the ride. He turns back to the trail, "I told you, it's nothing."
Suddenly, a feminine voice shouts from above, "NYOIBO EXTEND!!!"
"AAAH!!!" Okra yells as a large pole extends at her, latching into her Hanfu. The pole pushes her to the other side of the ravine and digs into it, pinning her to the other side of the ravine. Okra looks down, seeing the large drop below.
Yamcha looks at Okra in worry, "OKRA!!!" He quickly looks up to see a figure coming from above, about to strike him with a punch. Yamcha quickly jumps forward off the bike, dodging the hit and rolling onto the ground, stopping in a kneeling position and turning around. The figure strikes the motorbike, sending it plunging down into the river below in the ravine. Yamcha watches as his vehicle falls, "That was my only bike," he turns to the figure, now getting a good look at them.

The figure appears to have a normal body, but the face is slightly monkey-like. Their hair is light brown and extends upwards in a spiky style. The hair descends down the sides of the head, almost like sideburns, adding onto the appearance of a monkey. Their ears are pointed. They wear a blue silk shirt and a tiger skin kilt. Around their head, a golden headband sits tightly. Their eyelashes are fairly prominent, adding to an overall feminine looking appearance. Their sclera is a yellow color. Red highlights encircle their eyes, giving even more prominence to their eyelashes.

Yamcha quickly grips the hilt of his Dao Sword, drawing it out of his scabbard and standing in a fighting pose. He scowls at the mysterious figure, who looks to be roughly 11 or 12 years old, "You just made a huge mistake, kid!"
"It's you who's made a big mistake!" A girl's voice says from behind Yamcha.
Yamcha goes wide and turns around to see a blue haired girl that he recognizes. Bulma Briefs, daughter of Doctor Briefs, the richest man in the world. Yamcha puts on a smirk, "Well Well Well, if it isn't Bulma Briefs. How've things been?"
"Is this the guy who stole your device?" The monkey person asks. Their voice is incredibly feminine.
Bulma nods, "Yeah, that's him alright," Bulma scowls menacingly at Yamcha, "Now, give me back my radar! Or we'll take it by force!"
Yamcha continues to smirk, "Oh yeah? You really think YOU can take it from me. Go ahead and try it, girl."
Bulma puts on a cheeky smile, "Oh no, I won't take it. They will!" Bulma points to the monkey person.
Yamcha turns to the monkey person in confusion.
The monkey person nods, "That's right!"
"And just who are you? Her little sister or something?" Yamcha asks, mocking the monkey kid.
"I'm the Monkey King! My name is Songoku! Now give Bulma her device back, or I'll make sure you're sorry!" The monkey kid says.
"Well I guess you better put 'em up, because I'm not giving it up," Yamcha says, smirking.
Bulma scowls, "You know what to do, Songoku! Let him have it!"
Songoku smirks with a scowl as they grab the pole, which is wedged between both sides of the ravine. Songoku turns to notice Okra is still pinned to the other side of the ravine by the pole, struggling to get free. They turn to Yamcha, "Nyoibo, recede!"
The pole quickly shrinks, turning into a pole roughly the size of Songoku, causing Okra to fall into the ravine, screaming. Yamcha looks in shock at Okra as she plunges down, "OKRA!!!!"

Mystical JourneyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora