A Girls Bonding Experience

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Bulma brings another stool up to that one and sits behind Okra, "Alright, let's brush your hair," Bulma says, grabbing a brush and putting it to Okra's hair. Okra gently pulls away by instinct, "Keep still, I need to comb through."
"Okay," Okra says, unsure of what she means. Bulma places the brush to Okra's hair and pulls it down to brush. "OUCH!!!" Okra yelps as she pulls away from Bulma and turns her head to look at her, "What was that for?"
"I'm sorry, it's going to hurt a bit. You have very tangled hair. That's what happens when you don't wash it," Bulma says in a gentle tone.
Okra turns back forward, "Just be gentle."
Bulma smiles and nods, "Alright, I will," Bulma begins gently brushing through the young girl's messy and spiky hair, "I can't believe I'm actually brushing a younger girl's hair. This is like a dream come true. JUST like having a little sister," Bulma thinks to herself in excitement. She finally finishes combing the girl's hair and looks upon it, "There you go. With a look like that, you're sure to get all the boys."
"Huh? Get all the boys? What do you mean by that?" Okra asks, confused and turning her body to Bulma.
"Oh, you know. Like...they'll want to date you," Bulma says, trying to explain.
"Date me? What does that mean?" Okra asks, tilting her head.
"Wow, she really doesn't know anything about dating and stuff, huh?" Bulma thinks to herself as she leans closer to Okra, "Basically, when a boy and a girl really like each other. They may start dating. When two people date, they act...closer with each other."
"What do you mean by closer?" Okra asks.
"You know....they kiss and stuff," Bulma says.
"Kiss?" Okra says.
Bulma sighs, "Yeah, kissing. It's when two people touch their lips together to show their love."
"Oh! Like what Nyuin-san would do when we all went to sleep!" Okra says.
"Nyuin-san? Who's that?" Bulma asks.
"She was the oldest and wisest of the Kosuishin. She was like a big sister to us all. She would do that kiss thing to us when we'd all go to sleep," Okra says enthusiastically.
Bulma smiles, "I see, she kissed you goodnight."

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