Origins of the Kosuishin: Okra

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The sun begins setting as our 2 heroes continue riding west, intent on finding the wish granting orbs known as the Dragon Balls. Okra looks at the sun with concern, "The sun is going down and we don't have a place to sleep."
Yamcha chuckles as he brakes the motorcycle, prompting it to stop in its tracks. He places his foot down in balance as he turns to Okra, "That's alright. I have a mobile home hoi poi capsule," Yamcha digs into his pocket and pulls out a large hoi poi capsule. He clicks the button and throws it a ways away. With a puff of smoke, a 2 story mobile home appears.
Okra quickly jumps off the motorcycle with a scream, landing on the ground while shaking in fear, "Aaaaah! Y-You're a demon!"
Yamcha looks at Okra in confusion as he gets off the motorcycle, "A demon? No, you silly. It's a hoi poi capsule," Yamcha crouches down and presses a button on the motorcycle, prompting it to poof into a small hoi poi capsule.
Okra looks at the hoi poi capsule in amazement, "Wow, that machine turned into that little rock?"
Yamcha chuckles as he puts the motorcycle capsule in his pocket, "It's a hoi poi capsule. Hoi...Poi."
"Hoi...Poi...capsule?" Okra says.
Yamcha starts walking towards the mobile home, "Yeah, that's it,"

Chapter 2: "Origins of the Kosuishin: Okra"

The bandit enters the mobile home with Okra in tow. He quickly flips on one of the lights, lighting the place up. He quickly walks to the minifridge in the corner and opens it. Inside are several cans of Hetap. Yamcha grabs one of the cans and cracks it open as he sits on the couch. He takes a swig of the drink, kicking his feet up on the table. As he finishes his drink, his attention is quickly drawn to the Kosuishin. She's looking curiously at everything in the mobile home. Yamcha gives a little chuckle, "It's like you've never seen common home amenities."
"All of this is new to me. I've never seen anything like this place before," Okra says, wriggling her tail.
Yamcha's eyes land on the little girl's tail. He tilts his head in curiosity. He had seen it before, but never paid much attention to it since he thought it was an accessory. But now that he's seen it move, he is curious, "Hey kid, why do you have a tail?"
Okra turns to Yamcha and then to her tail. She gives a cute smile, "Oh this? I don't know. I was just kinda born with it, I guess," Okra wriggles the tail.
"Do all Kosuishin have tails?" Yamcha asks, taking another sip of his Hetap.
"No, only I do," Okra says, walking closer to Yamcha, "Come to think of it, my papa had a tail too."
"Your papa? Wait, how did you come to be a Kosuishin anyway?" Yamcha asks, leaning onto the table.
"Well, I was very little when I became one. My papa dropped me off with the other Kosuishin and never returned," Okra says, climbing onto the couch and sitting next to Yamcha.
Yamcha looks at the tail, thinking for a moment before he speaks up, "You don't know why he left you?"
Okra shakes her head, "No, he just dropped me off one day and walked away. The other Kosuishin took me in as one of them and from that point on, I've been a Kosuishin."
"How many other Kosuishin were there?" Yamcha asks, continuing to be curious about the origins of Okra.
Okra puts a finger on her chin as she looks up at the ceiling, "Umm...there were about 13 of us."
"13? Including you?" Yamcha asks.
Okra nods, "Yeah. Though, many would come and go. But before it was just me, there were 13."
"How did you survive all by yourself?" Yamcha asks.
"Hm?" Okra turns to Yamcha in confusion.
"Nevermind, don't answer that. You've more than shown that you're capable of handling yourself on your own," Yamcha says, putting his hands up. The bandit stands up and walks towards the bathroom. He quickly stops and lifts his arm, sniffing his armpit. He recoils from the scent, "We should get cleaned up. I haven't had a shower in a while and being out in the wild, I can't imagine you've had many baths," Yamcha turns to Okra.
"I take baths all the time," Okra says, getting off the couch.
"Oh really?" Yamcha asks, disbelieving the Kosuishin.
Okra nods, "Yeah, in the river."
Yamcha looks at Okra with a deadpan expression, "The river? Really?"
"Yeah, Kosuishin are very adamant about being clean," Okra says with a smile.
"Adamant? Where'd you learn a word like that?" Yamcha says, taken aback by the girl's vocabulary.
"Nyuin-san taught me. She taught all the Kosuishin how to be formal," Okra says.
"Nyuin-san? Who's that?" Yamcha asks.
"She was the eldest and wisest Kosuishin," Okra says.
"I see. Either way, you need to clean up. A river is no substitute for a bath," Yamcha says as he opens the bathroom door and points into it, "Get in there."
Okra walks forward and looks into the bathroom, seeing the empty bathtub. She turns to Yamcha with a scowl, "I'm not getting in that."
Yamcha sighs, "Fine, then I guess I'll just take a shower. But come morning, you're getting a bath. I'm sure if I smell you," Yamcha leans forward and sniffs the scent of the Kosuishin. His eyes widen as he pulls back, "Y-You don't smell bad at all."
"I told you. I bathe often," Okra says, smiling.
"I guess she is a Kosuishin, maybe she found a way to stay clean from the river? She smells like a fresh water spring," Yamcha thinks to himself, "Alright, I guess you don't have to take a bath. But I will make you take one if you start getting dirty."
"Deal," Okra says, nodding.

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