The Ox-Princess: ChiChi

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Bulma uses a needle to sew the tear in Okra's Hanfu back together. Okra waits expectantly on the other side of the room, bundled up in the blankets. Bulma finishes the last bit and pulls on it, checking that it's quite strong. "Alright, I fixed your hanfu," Bulma says.
Okra smiles, "Alright! Thank you, Bulma!" Okra jumps off the bed and walks towards Bulma.
Bulma shifts and looks around at the Hanfu. Her eyes widen as she sees a hole in the back, "Hey, there's a hole here in the back too. Here, I'll fix that."
"Oh, don't worry. That's for my tail to go through," Okra says as she gently takes the hanfu out of Bulma's hands.
"Your tail, huh?" Bulma says as she focuses on Okra's tail as she puts on the hanfu. Bulma watches as Okra's tail slips through the hole in the back of the hanfu, "So you don't know why you have a tail?"
Okra pats down the hanfu in order to straighten it. She looks up at Bulma and shakes her head, "No, I just always had one."
"Did other Kosuishin have tails like yours?" Bulma asks.
"Nope, just me," Okra says with a smile.
"So you just randomly have a tail then?" Bulma asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Well...a lot of the Kosuishin had strange parts of them," Okra says, sitting on the stool next to Bulma.
"Like what?" Bulma inquires.
"Well one of them had horns. Another had dragon wings. One had ears like a cat," Okra says, listing them with her fingers.
"Interesting, so it may not be so weird that she was a lone Kosuishin with a tail. It seems that the Kosuishin had all sorts of strange girls with unique parts," Bulma says.

Chapter 7: "The Ox-Princess: ChiChi"

A cloud of smoke poofs as the house is turned into a small hoi poi capsule. Bulma quickly walks to the capsule, bending over and picking it up. She walks back to the rest of the group, who are all waiting. Yamcha, as usual, sits in the passenger seat of the vehicle. Okra is in the back and Songoku is on their Kinto Un. "Alright, everyone. The next dragon ball is a few miles away. It shouldn't take too long," Bulma says, getting into the hovercar.
"Where are we going?" Okra asks.
Bulma pulls up the map as she starts the hovercar, "A little place called Fire Mountain."
"Fire Mountain? You're not talking about the domain of the great Ox-King, are you?" Yamcha says, sitting up with an expression of fear.
"Apparently, that's where it is," Bulma says as she presses her foot on the gas pedal, causing it to drive forward, heading west. Songoku quickly follows behind on the Kinto Un.
"The last dragon ball we obtained was hidden in a tomb. It was clearly a sought after relic. If there's a dragon ball at Fire Mountain, more likely than not, it's in possession of the great Ox-King. And in that case, there's no way he would just hand over the dragon ball. It's probably part of some fortune of his," Yamcha says.
Bulma thinks for a moment, taking the bandit's words into consideration. Though she honestly didn't like Yamcha giving his two cents, even she could admit he had a point. "Well we won't know until we find out now, will we?"
Yamcha wanted to object to Bulma, but if he were ever to obtain the dragon balls for himself, he would have to play nice and do as she said, for now at least, "Alright then."

The vehicle continues westward until, in the distance, a lone girl is seen walking west. She notices the vehicle and immediately waves her hands, "EXCUSE ME!!! Oh, EXCUSE ME!!!"
"There's a little girl," Yamcha says.
"What is she wearing?" Bulma says, taking note of her outfit.

The girl's outfit consists of a simple bikini top and bottom, both appear to be made like armor. On her feet are pink armored boots. Her hair is straight pitch black and goes down to her midriff in no particular style. On her shoulders is a pair of shoulder pads that hold up a blue cape. On her head sits a pink helmet with a gem on the forehead. On the top of the helmet is a large blade. "Oh please, help me!" The girl says, cupping her hands together as Bulma stops the hovercar next to her.
"What's wrong, kid? Are you lost or something?" Bulma asks.
"Y-Yes...please help me. I need to find the Turtle Hermit," The girl says.
Bulma tilts her head, "The turtle hermit? Who is that?"
Yamcha's eyes go wide, "Hold on a second. Are you referring to Muten Roshi? The great Martial Arts Master?"
The girl smiles and nods quickly, "Yes, yes, that's the one!"
"Who's Muten Roshi?" Okra asks.
Yamcha turns to Okra, "He's the greatest Martial Artist in the world. He owns the largest Martial Arts Dojo in the world. He has trained hundreds of talented fighters, but supposedly has always kept his greatest techniques a secret to everyone who isn't worthy."
"Isn't worthy? What does that mean?" Bulma asks.
"I don't know, that's just what I've heard," Yamcha says before turning to the girl, "Why are you searching for Muten Roshi? Do you want to train under him?"
The girl shakes her head, "No, me and my papa need his help."
"Need his help? How so?" Yamcha asks, tilting his head.
"My papa has been captured by a ruthless Emperor. He has taken over our castle!" The girl says in desperation.
"Your castle? Hold on a moment, just who is your father?" Yamcha asks.
"My father is the Ox-King," The girl says.
Bulma and Yamcha go wide-eyed, together they react the same, "THE OX-KING?!?!"
"W-Wow, the Ox-King is your father? And you say he was...captured?" Yamcha says in disbelief.
The girl nods, "Yes! The evil Emperor Pilaf came and took over our castle. They captured my papa and threw him in a cage," the girl says as she pulls a paper out from the back of her bikini bottom. She presents the paper, which is a map to a lone island, "My papa gave me this map so I can find the great Master Roshi. He believes that only Master Roshi can help us, since he trained my papa a long time ago."
Yamcha looks closely at the map, "I think Muten Roshi doesn't train in the fall. So he might be on vacation on a remote island. That must be what the map is pointing to."
The girl puts the map away and cups her hands together in a begging expression, "Will you please help me?"
"Of course we'll help you!" Songoku says, flying their nimbus up to the girl.
"Absolutely not!" Bulma shouts angrily.
Everyone turns to Bulma in shock. "Why not, Bulma?"
"We're supposed to be looking for the dragon balls. This would be an unnecessary sidetrack," Bulma says, crossing her arms.
Yamcha turns to Bulma with a scowl, "Of course you don't care about someone you deem unworthy of your time. This girl needs our help and you're just going to ignore her?"
"I'm sorry, I just don't want to involve myself in the affairs of two tyrannical rulers and their squabble," Bulma says, rolling her eyes.
Okra scowls at Bulma, "Bulma, come on. She needs our help."
"If you want to help her, then go right ahead. It's not my problem," Bulma says, crossing her arms in defiance.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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