Chapter Five

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(Chapter will include detailed descriptions of abuse and a mention of rape)

Morana watched the occupants of the Great Hall as she munched on a sandwich, studying their expressions to see whose confidence in Dumbledore had started to waver. 

It didn't surprise her that most of Dumbledore's puppets had decided that he must have had a good reason to leave her and her brother with muggles - on a doorstep in November, no less. She would never understand how people could trust someone because they said one good thing though their actions said another.

However, Morana wasn't concerned with the very few who questioned what they knew about Dumbledore. They had plenty of chapters to realize that their beloved Headmaster and Leader of the Light wasn't as good as he made everyone believe. 

She noticed that Marlene McKinnon refused to entertain Lily, despite their other friends deciding to give the pathetic redhead another chance. Morana supposed Marlene believed that abusive people - especially mothers - weren't worth a moment of her time. 

Amongst the Gryffindors, Morana spotted Harry wedged between Sirius and James. Beside Remus Lupin, who sat opposite the trio, were the Weasley Twins, Fred and George. On the other side of Remus, Neville Longbottom munched on a sandwich and spoke to the twins.

Morana focused on the deadly threats spewing from the lips of her family, deciding seeing where people stood could wait until later. 

Her heart tingled with warmth at the outrage her family showed toward Dumbledore and the Potters, reminded that she did have people around her who genuinely loved and cared about her, even if it was because she shared the same blood. They had plenty of time to learn about each other.

Walburga, Narcissa, Ana, and Bellatrix debated what curse to use on Dumbledore, referring to their Family Grimoires. Orion whispered in Abraxas's ear, speaking too lowly for Morana to pick up what they were talking about, though she suspected it followed the same trail as the women. 

Rabastan, Rodolphus, and Lucius were planning to press charges against Dumbledore for his actions. They decided to keep track of all his crimes against Morana and make a compelling case. From the looks of things, Madame Bones wanted justice, too. 

Her brothers muttered darkly to each other, dragging Barty, Irene, and Regulus into the conversation. Morana suspected they were discussing torture techniques if their bloodthirsty smiles said anything.

Morana smiled faintly, moved that her family sought justice for her. But their reactions worried her immensely. If they responded like this to the most harmless thing Dumbledore had done, what would they do once they learned about the true horrors she had endured because of him? 

As touching as it was to see her family become so riled up, Morana dreaded the chapters that would soon follow. She wasn't ashamed of her past anymore, but that didn't mean it wasn't a sensitive subject. The last thing she wanted was to be looked at with pity or have people make a scene over something that had already happened. 

"Stop thinking so hard," the smooth voice of her fiance lured her out of her head, his warm fingers brushing over the curve of her cheek. He chuckled lowly when she flushed at his touch, tucking her loose curls behind her ear. "Tell me what's bothering you, my love."

"Just thinking about the upcoming chapters," Morana mumbled, tilting her head towards him as her hair created a curtain between her and her family. She didn't want them prying into their conversation. "I doubt there will be another pleasant chapter now."

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