Chapter Six

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(A brief mention of drugs and alcohol)

Morana barely paid attention to where Tom was taking her - the stone walls seemed to blur together and become unidentifiable through the veil of tears clouding her vision. It felt similar to those dreams where no matter how fast she ran, she could never move fast enough, and whatever was chasing her caught her just as she woke up in a cold sweat. 

Except this time, she was frantically trying to escape the memories crawling like demons to the surface. 

Her chest tightened, and her lungs burned like she had run a marathon as her breath came in shallow huffs. She couldn't breathe through the suffocating fear clogging her throat and gripping her heart; a flood of helplessness further pushed Morana into her spiraling panic. 

"Shh," Tom's low, whispering voice slashed through the dense fog enveloping her mind, pulling her an inch closer to the surface - to reality. "You are safe, Morana. You're safe with me."

Morana shivered in his arms, pressing her face into the soft fabric of his robes. "Tom," she whimpered, her voice alarmingly brittle and thick with suppressed tears. Her hands gripped onto his robes, desperately trying to cling to the safety he provided. 

"I'm here," he assured, stepping through the open doorway leading into a cool, dark room. Candles sprang to life as he flicked his fingers, illuminating the shadowy shapes in the room. He placed her on the end of the large bed and stepped away.

A fresh bout of panic seized Morana's heart, her fingers catching his sleeve. "Don't," she choked, staring at him with tear-stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes. "Please, don't go."

Tom laid a hand on her cheek, feeling the warmth of her flushed skin. He would hunt and kill Vernon Dursley for what he had done to his soulmate. "I'm not going anywhere, love. Let me get the fire started," he said quietly, understanding the fear in her eyes - she didn't want to be alone where the memories could pull her into a darker headspace. 

Morana hiccuped and released his sleeve, relaxing when the fireplace roared to life a second later. 

"Take a deep breath for me," Tom instructed in a firm but patient voice, returning to his soulmate's side. He wrapped his hands around her wrists, encouraging her to look up and meet his reassuring gaze. 

Morana sucked in a shaky breath, managing to keep it in her lungs for a few seconds. She exhaled unsteadily, focusing on the sound of his soft breaths, trying to copy him. 

"You're doing wonderfully, darling," he praised, squeezing her wrists in gentle reassurance. He had experienced many panic attacks in his youth and occasionally in adulthood. He understood how she was feeling, but he also knew she had to calm down and realize she was safe with him. 

"Why don't we try the five senses?" He suggested, pulling up a chair in front of her. He placed her hand over his steadily thumping heart, knowing she found comfort in feeling the beat against her palm. "Tell me five things you can see - take your time."

"The fireplace," she responded with a hiccup, her eyes wandering toward the dancing flames as they waved her on in encouragement. She found it easier to concentrate on her surroundings when Tom hummed, smiling supportively. "Um... I can see the couches and the Black Lake. Are we in the Heir Dorms?"

"Concentrate, love," Tom urged softly. "Two more things."

"I can see you and, um, the candles," she sniffled, feeling herself starting to calm down. She doubted it was because of the technique but because Tom was here, encouraging her.

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