First Date

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He would take you to the village you grew up in during a big festival. You all would walk around together hand in hand in the over crowded streets stopping here and there to look at something. He would take you somewhere to eat and afterwards he would find a nice secluded place to watch the fireworks and when it was over and would make sure you got home safe before leaving you.

You would be the one to ask if he wanted to go on a date with you and instead of saying yes he would just ask you what that is. After explaining what a date is to him he would agree to it but what he did was not what you expected. You agreed to meet him at a small local shop in town and when you saw him he ran up to you not even stopping to pick you and kept running. For hours on end he would run around a fight people or lift heavy things just to show off and try to impress you. After the day was over he would cary you over his shoulder all the way to your house and just drip you on your doorstep and walk away

You were planning on meeting him at a fancy restaurant and before you left you put on a beautiful, silky, skin tight, strapless dress and grabbed your small black purse that carried your personal belongings. As you turned onto the street the restaurant was on you saw him in and nice shirt and pants and you let a small smile slip onto your face. However the moment he saw you he let the beautiful bouquet of flowers he bought you slip out of his hands and before you knew it you saw a stream of blood run from his nose only moments before he fell unconscious on the street. You ended up carrying him back to your house and spent the rest of the night cuddling on the couch while he held a small white cloth to his bloody nose.

You two decided not to do anything big for your first night so you decided to just spends the night with each other and she helped you make dinner even though she wasn't the one eating it. You sat down on a plush cushion and ate your dinner in peace. You asked a few questions and had a few conversations with Nezuko. Most people would find the silence unsettling but neither of you did. It was a comfortable silence. You both felt as if just having the presence of someone else with you could feel good. Just knowing that someone you know and trust is there if you want to talk about your feelings or just have a simple conversation with. Sometimes it was better than having a constant conversation happening. Once it got late you heard a soft knock at the door. When you opened the door your smile turned into a frown. You saw the Tanjiro was here to take Nezuko home. You weren't ready for the night to be over but unfortunately there was nothing you could do about it. You watched as they walked into the darkness with nothing but a small lantern lighting the way.

When most people think of a date they think of going out to eat or going a park or something similar. What most people don't think of for a date is simply doing something like a picnic or maybe just a walk. For you and Muichiro it was simply laying down on a cloudy day to watch the white cotton candy blobs float by us. We would try to make out as many shapes as we could and we would stay out there until the sun would go down. It was both of your favorite things to do. But it didn't feel the same if it was just one of you. You were always terrified that he wouldn't come back home after a mission one day so you made sure to spend every minute you could with him. I know it might sound crazy since this was your first date but when you finally find someone you love you can't let go and you can't stand the thought of never seeing them again or just hearing there voice again. So once you realized that he was the one for you, you made sure you were always there for him and spent every minute you could with him just hoping and praying nothing would happen the next time he leaves.

It was a very dark and chilly night and you and Sanemei decided to meet each other at a small bridge that sat above a beautiful river. The water looked perfect at this time of night and you could see the fish swimming gracefully under the water. It wasn't until you felt a tap on your shoulder that you realized that your date was here. He knew you enjoyed looking at nature so he thought that this would be the perfect place for your first date. You weren't very fond of big crowds of people so you both chose to meet each other once it got dark. He carried a small bag that you assumed carried some type of food or snacks for the two of you. You walked over to a small patch of grass and laid a small blanket that you brought down and sat down patting the spot next to you so he knew he could sit. He sat down beside you and handed you a small pack of sushi that came in a small store bought container. Before this moment you thought that Sanemei was always mad and agitated but tonight he was calm and collected. Before you knew it the sun was rising and the sky was beginning to brighten up in a beautiful range of colors. He picked up the remaining snacks and helped you fold up the blanket before walking you back to your house. You thanked him for the unforgettable night and as you walked into your house you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks as your cheeks gave off a bright red color.

He once again didn't know what to do but instead of asking Mitsuri want to do he decided to ask Shinobu in hopes that she knew enough about you to know what you would like. He made his way to the butterfly estate and when he asked shinobu there was a long pause before she answered. He knew that you weren't talkative but you had to have told someone what you would like and he was determined to find that someone. Before he got the chance to say nevermind Shinobu told him he had an idea. For hours they planned out what you would like and what to do until he finally had and idea what to do.

~time skip by a few days~

You were told to meet Giyuu by a tall arch that led into a gorgeous traditional tea garden. You wore a beautiful kimono with a golden flower design instead of your normal demon slayer uniform. You watched as you saw Giyuu walk up to the arch you were waiting at. He grabbed your hand and you could feel the slight shakiness that was emitting off his hand. He led you through the tea garden and you stopped when you saw a small creek running under the path. You saw small Minos swimming together in groups and saw a small group of coi fish following behind. Giyuu had a small smirk on his face seeing how much you were enjoying yourself. Once the day was over he walked you back to your house and before he walked away you gave him a small hug thanking him for the trip. He felt a wave of relief wash over him as he saw how much you enjoyed it and secretly thanked Shinobu for the idea

Obanai wasn't a very social person and neither were you so when it came to y'all's first date neither of you wanted to do anything big.
It was late afternoon and Obanai took you on a short walk that led to a large lake. Once you arrived to the lake Obanai invited you to sit with him on a branch in a large oak tree that sat by the water. You climbed up the branch and sat beside him. As soon as you were settled in Kabaramaru made is way onto your neck and rested his head on your shoulder. You gave him a few head pats before you laid your hand back down on your lap. You felt another hand slowly lay his hand on top of yours. Your face became a bright red and you looked down to try to hide it but unfortunately you couldn't hide all of it. Obanai let a small smile creep onto his face but you couldn't notice under all of his bandages. Once you got back to your estate you couldn't help but replay the scene of Obanai smiling. He may have thought that you couldn't see but little does he know you could see the fact that he was smiling just by looking at him in the eyes.

Ever since you found out that you and Mitsuri felt the same way about each other you couldn't keep your mind off of her. Every time you came back from a mission you would find her waiting at your estate to make sure you made it home safe. Later on you started doing the same thing for her. It wasn't to long after you both found out about each other's feeling that you had your first date. You and her both loved to eat any type of food but especially sweets. You decided to invite her to go have lunch with her at a small local restaurant that sold sushi and different types of side dishes and sweets. You didn't think there was a need to dress up so you just stayed in your demon slayer uniform which had become your casual clothes. When she arrived she found you waiting sitting at a small booth made for two and you looked a little anxious. As Mitsuri sat down a wide smile spread across you face as a waiter walked up to your table and placed two menus on the table. After the delicious sushi you order some mochi and dango. You knew they were her favorites and they just so happen to be your favorite too. On your walk back to the demon slayer head quarters you both had the best conversations and learned a lot more about each other. You walked her to her house and bid her a goodbye before you walked back to your house. You couldn't stop thinking of her the whole time.

I hope everyone is enjoying the book so far and if you have any questions or requests please ask in the comments or ask me through my profile. If you do ask any questions or have any requests I will get back to you as soon as possible. Hope you enjoy!

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