Gyomei x Reader (Modern)

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Request by:  matchamochibitch08

Y/n Pov

         The sun had just set and I was laying in the large bed that sat in the middle of the master bedroom. Gyomei and I shared a room and bed which meant that it had to be big enough to fit you both. I was tucked under the covers in my favorite pajamas when the door to the bedroom swung open. Gyomei walked in and placed is belongings in there assigned spots. Before he laid down down beside me he took off the black shades that he wore over his eyes and placed them on his bedside table. "How was work today?" He seemed tired and I wondered if he had a bad day. "Tiring as always, but my day's always better when I get to see you." He had a bright smile plastered on his face and I couldn't help but to return that smile. He may have not been able to see it but he knew I was smiling by hearing me chuckled slightly. He then pulled me into a tight hug and after returning the hug I glanced over to the glasses that he wore every day.

          He never did like the way his eyes looked and always did his best to hide them. I asked him once before why he didn't like showing his eyes in public but all he said was that he was bullied by some of the school kids practically his whole childhood. I knew that part was true but I couldn't help but to think that there was more to it. I never asked him though because I knew he didn't like talking about it and I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. It had been a while since you asked though so why not try again. " Hey Gyomei? Why are you so insecure about eyes? You always feel the need to hide them even though your perfect as you are." His smile turned to a frown and I placed my hand on his cheek and he laid his larger hand on top of mine while leaning into my  hand. "When I was younger there was always and group of popular kids that would bully me and make fun of me for being different. They wouldn't  stop so one year I just started hiding them in hopes that it would prevent people from noticing. It worked for most and the few people that did see my eyes wouldn't say anything." He sighed leaning into my hand even more. I felt bad for asking him again and to bring up those memories but I also want to help him and how am I supposed to do that if I don't know the cause of the problem. "I'm so sorry that happened to you. If only I knew you then I would have helped you. If I was there I would have made sure you never had to wear those glasses." My eyes began to tear up at the thought of seeing my loved one being hurt like that. He placed his free hand on my cheek and when he felt the dampness on my cheeks he wiped away the tear that fell down my cheek.

          Before I fell asleep I tried to think of a way to make him more comfortable with people seeing his eyes in public. It was going to take a while but I was willing to take that time if it meant helping Gyomei. I just wish that I was with him when he was being bullied and who knows what else. I would have never let that happen. The most I can help him now is to get him comfortable when not wearing them so I guess that's what I'm going to have to do.

          I woke up to see a full tray of pancakes milk and different topping on the side. Beside me sat Gyomei reading what I assumed to be his favorite book. I was used to waking up like this for he did this often, but it still made me feel so happy and loved every time. Before I started eating I leaned over to give him a hug and kiss and thank him for the meal. As I was eating I though of my first idea to get him to stop wearing the glasses. I would just start by sitting on the front porch with him but ease him into not wearing the glasses. We would just start small and make are way up. After eating I got ready for the rest of the day. "I'm going to sit on the front porch. Want to join me?" I stuck my head in the bedroom door so he could see me. "Sure why not." He then reached over to grab his sun glasses and put them on. "Why don't you take the glasses off for now. It's really clouded today besides I think it's going to start raining later so I doubt many people will be out." I wanted to make sure he was still comfortable and I didn't want to cross the line. I mean there really wasn't anyone out at the time. "Oh. Alright. I guess." He hesitantly took the glasses off and sat them on the small glass table beside his chair. It was enjoyable to be able to spend time with him like that and as the day went on he seemed to be getting more comfortable without them on.

          The following morning I began searching for a new idea. What if we just went on a walk? Or we could invite some neighbors over? Let's just go on a walk for now. I got ready like the day before then invited him to go on a walk with me. Of course he agreed and we soon began our walk. It was another cloudy day so once again I suggested he took the glasses off again. He was a little more hesitant than the day before but he still agreed. We walked hand in hand the rest of the day.

          Over the past few months he got a lot more comfortable with having the glasses off and I'm really proud of him. Now when we went out he only had them on when the sun was actually in his eyes. He had come a far way. Though I still believe that there is more to how it all started when he was still in school I'm still over joyed that I was able to help him out of it.

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