Your Sick

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Before I continue this chapter I forgot to mention that none of the art above is mine and this is the same for all the chapters and if the art just so happens to be yours you are very talented and I love all of your art.

"Hey! Why don't you come in it's pouring outside! You'll get sick if you don't come back in!" You could barely hear him because of the heavy rain that was coming down. You were working extremely hard every day to become the moon hashira. You even had some of the other hashiras help you out but in the end you still had a little ways to go so you couldn't just stop training besides it's just rain. "Come on Tanj I'll be fine I used to do this all the time and I never got sick because of it!" You yelled out. Before you could continue you let out a small sneezed and felt a pair of strong arms pick you up bridal style. You looked up to see Tanjiro carrying you inside. He walked inside and placed you on the bed. For the next few days he cared for you and gave you anything you needed. He gave you many head pats and gave you many kisses to make you feel better. He made your favorite dishes and made sure you ate the whole meal. When you started to get better he let you help out with simple stuff around the estate until you were fully better.

You awoke one morning to a headache and runny nose with a small fever. You knew what this meant but would Inosuke? This you did not know but I mean he has to have gotten sick at least once. "Hey Inosuke?" You tried yelling but it just came out with a quiet hoarse voice. That's when you felt a strong burning sensation run down you throat. You got up to grab some medicine and see if Inosuke was training but before you opened the door it just so happen to open for you and you saw Inosuke standing before you. "You called my name." He was almost yelling so you put your hand of his mask where is mouth would be and told him to quiet down. "Why do I have to be quiet? What's wrong? Is there a demon nearby!?" He asked question after question after question. "No there's not a demon nearby so calm down. I'm just sick so I won't be able to train today." You tried to call him down but it didn't work and when you sneezed multiple times he started running to get Tanjiro because he didn't know what was wrong. He came back with Tanjiro thrown over his shoulder and when he explained to Tanjiro what was wrong Tanjiro just told him that you were sick and they both took you to the butterfly estate so Shinobu could help out. He would sit by your bed and instead of training outside or somewhere else he trained in the large hall that you were healing in so he could keep an eye on you.

You were walking back to your estate after finishing a mission one day. It was a long fight and all 5 of you were absolutely exhausted. Words could not tell how tired you all were. Even though you all were strong some of the demons are much stronger. You used to get so much anxiety and self doubt that you made yourself sick but you had gotten a lot better. That was until you saw what had happened at Mugen Train.(Warning there is a spoiler up ahead so skip now if you don't want to know) You couldn't get the image out of your head. All the time the same scene replayed in your head. You saw Akaza and Rengoku fighting. The moment you saw Rengoku take his last breath you couldn't help but to go back to your old ways. Stay quiet, do what your told, and try not to worry. You'd think it would be easy but here you were in the side of the path vomiting. You worried yourself to much once again. "Y/N! What happened!?" You heard Zenitsu scream through a pounding head ache. "I'm alright Zenitsu I just worried myself a bit to much." You sighed hoping he would understand but when he ran up to you and placed his hand on your forehead to check your temperature you knew he wouldn't believe you. He took you straight to Shinobu and she told him it was the exact same thing as you said. You over worried yourself. She insisted that you stay a few days and before you left she gave you some medicine that would help with anxiety. While you were still with Shinobu, Zenitsu would sit by your side all day and get you anything you needed. Even when you insisted for him to take a break from taking care of you he wouldn't budge. After you were well again and left he made you take the medicine every day or when you really needed it.

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