First Kiss

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You had just gotten back from a mission and this one just happened to be especially brutal. The whole group was injured some more than others. You were sitting by a small pond which was surrounded with bushes, trees and flowers. It was your favorite place to go and Tanjiro knew that. You were watching the coi fish in the pond when you heard foot steps getting closer. You glanced to your right to see Tanjiro sitting down next to you. He knew that this battle was hard for you so once he sat down he intertwined his fingers with yours. He asked you if you wanted to talk about it so you did and by the time you were done talking you were in tears. He lifted you chin up so he could see your face and before you knew it he had laid his soft lips on top of yours. The kiss was gentle and sweet but sadly quick. You smiled and pulled him into a loving embrace. When he pulled back he wiped away your tears with his thumb and for the rest of the day you sat together watching the peaceful fish in the pond.

You had been dating Inosuke for a few months now and you enjoyed it. You were the only one who could calm him down and even though other people don't see it he can be really sweet sometimes. You were outside training with him and you both stopped for a minute to take a break. You walked over to a tree and sat down leaning back against the trunk. Inosuke followed and sat beside you. "Y/n I've heard about something called a kiss and I was wondering what it is? Do you happen to know?" You were surprised that he asked this question and your cheeks were tinted with a light pink. "It's kinda hard to explain but ...... I could show you"you answered shyly. Your cheeks were now a bright red and you could feel them burning. He nodded and you leaned toward him while pulling off his mask. When you saw his face it was also tinted with a light pink and when you connected your lips with his he was still but after a few seconds he began to kiss you back. You only pulled away when you both needed breath. It wasn't long after that Inosuke himself pulled you back into another kiss before getting up to train again.

You had just finished your dinner at a local place that Zenitsu took you to and when you got up Zenitsu walked up next to you and placed his hand around your waist. He loved to take you out place for two reasons. 1 he wanted to show you how much he loved you even after you said that he doesn't have to take you out constantly to show that. 2 he just liked showing people that he was able to get girl. Even if he doesn't say it out loud he still loves to show all the people that said he couldn't get anyone that he did. You were walking back to your estate and you took a forest route because you like the scenery. You had just arrived your estate and before going in Zenitsu had given you a hug but before you could walk inside he leaned down to your height and gave you a small kiss on the lips. It was quick but you enjoyed seeing him shy like this. You chuckled and walked inside saying good night before closing the door.

You were laying in a small twin sized bed covered in white sheets and a white blanket. You sat up and looked around to find yourself in the butterfly estate. You must have passed out at the end of the last battle. You looked under the blanket to see your torso tightly wrapped in white bandages. You must have broken a few ribs or maybe even got a wound. Either one it hurt like hell. You looked around the room to see Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke laying in the other beds beside you still sleeping. Beside Tanjiro's bed was the dark brown box that he always carried around. Before you looked away you saw the door to the box slowly open and you saw Nezuko craw out of it. She glanced around the room and when she saw you she got up and ran to you. Once she reached you she pulled you into a tight embrace. You let out a small hiss from the pain shooting from your torso but you still returned the hug. She let go after hearing the hiss and looked at you with worried eyes. You reassured her that you were fine and sat up so you were leaning up against the wall. You turned around to fix your pillow and when you turned back around you felt a pair of lips slam into yours. You looked to see who it was and to your surprise Nezuko had taken her bamboo muzzle off for the first time in your presence. You returned the kiss and pulled back when you ran out of breath. She returned the muzzle to it's spot and hugged you one more time before the medicine pulled you back under.

It was a cloudy day and when you left your house to train you saw Muichiro laying on a path of grass starring you at the clouds muttering something. You walked up to him and laid down beside him and looked up at the clouds. You pointed out a few clouds and what they looked like and you got a hum in response. You saw him sit up from the corner of your eye so you also sat up to look at him. He had a frown on his face and you asked him what was wrong. He said that he was trying to remember something but he couldn't think of it. You saw a tear fall from his eye so you pulled him into a hug hoping that it would make him feel better. When you pulled away without even thinking about it you placed both your hands on his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss. He didn't return it at first but after a second you felt him kiss you back. When you pulled back he asked you what you were doing here and all you did was give a small chuckle and get up to train.

It was all the hashira's day off since there was a meeting today so after the meeting you got up to walk back to your estate. Before you could get very far you felt someone grab your wrist. You glanced over you shoulder to see your significant other standing behind you. You asked him what he needed and he asked if you wanted to hang out today since you didn't have any missions. You agreed and you both walked back to your estate. Once you arrived you make some lunch and placed one the table and sat down across from Sanemei. After eating you sat on the couch together and started cleaning both of your swords. You don't get much time to your selves so you didn't clean your katanas soften. You looked up at him to ask a question and before you could ask him he pulled you into a gentle but ruff kiss. You returned it and when you pulled apart you actually saw his cheeks tinted red. It wasn't very often that you saw this saw you always enjoyed it when you did.

You had just finished a battle and before you could put you sword back you collapsed onto the ground against a tree. You were still awake so you held your hand again a wound you had in your side and controlled your breathing. Your eyes were droopy and you were about to pass out but before you did you heard muffled footsteps running up to you and you felt someone shake your shoulders. This pulled you back to reality and when you opened your eyes you saw Giyuu crushed down beside you. Is while face screamed worried as he picked you up and ran you to the butterfly estate. Once you were stitched up Giyuu ran into the private room you were in and before you could say anything he smashed his lips onto yours. When you pulled away you heard mutter something under his breath but you could make it out. You were going to ask what he said but you could feel the medicine kicking in and you laid your head down a closed your eye before you passed out on Giyuu's shoulder.

It was late afternoon and you and Obanai were sitting high up in a tree watching the sunset. It was your favorite time of day and you loved spending it with him. Kabaramaru was resting around you neck and lifted you hand to pet his head. You felt Obanai's hang reach around you waist. He wasn't fond of being touchy and you respected that but you also loved it when he did small things like this. You glanced over at him with a wide smile on your face. Your e/c orbs stared right back into his which were locked on you. Without even thinking you both leaned in and found each other's lips. The kiss was sweet and gentle and that was all you ever wanted. When you pulled away you both looked up at the sky to see the beautiful colors that the sun left behind on it's path.

It was a perfectly normal day and you and Mitsuri had just finished a mission when she suggested that you both stop by her estate to tend to wounds and rest. You estate was much farther away so you agreed and you both went down the path to her house. When you arrived Mitsuri walked in before you and invited you in. You walked in and she reached for something on the top shelf of a cabinet. She pulled down bandages and different types of medicine so you could take care of your wounds. You happened to have a large cut on your back that you couldn't reach so you asked for her assistance. She cleaned the cut and wrapped your torso in clean white bandages. You turned around to thank her out when you turned your head you found that you were only inched apart from her. You started into each other's eyes until Mitsuri leaned toward and closed the space between you. You felt her soft lips land on yours and kissed back. You both stayed like that until you ran out of breath and pulled away. When you looked up at her you noticed the rosy color that tinted her cheeks and felt you own heat up. After you finished cleaning and wrapping you wounds you both decided to spend some time together and it was by far the best night you've had in a while

Feel free to give any feed back bc that'll actually help me so I know what to add or what to work on for the next chapter. If there are any specific things you want me to add to the scenarios you are welcome to say so in chat and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Have a good day!

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