8. Mom

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I pull away from him. I kiss him. He kisses me back.

His hands sit around my waist comfortably.

For the rest of the day we watch the door nervously.

I just can't stop hoping the phone rings. Anything could help.

Robin sits down on the bed. I notice he looks at me carefully.

"Y/n sit down." He says.
"Okay." I say walking over to sit next to him. "What?"
"That doesn't look too good." He says talking about the blood on my jeans.
"Oh." I say.
"Pull your jeans up." He says. I do.

He looks at the cut on my leg.

I look over at it. There's a lot of dry blood, even some fresh blood. The skin around it is bruised.

"Shit." I mutter.
"I'm sorry." He says.
"Why?" I ask moving my jeans back down.
"I promised I'd protect you." He says. I smile at him before closing the space between us.

The time keeps going by with us just laying there.

I notice he fell asleep with his arm around me.

I smile. He's so cute. He really does care about me. 

I let my mind wander.

Maybe if we get out alive we can actually date. Finn and Gwen would love that idea.

I wonder how they're doing. I miss them.

I'm probably going to die tomorrow. So is Robin...

I'll try to save him. I'll attack The Grabber and get him time to run out. I hope he's fast.

I look back up at Robin. He looks so peaceful. I smile before turning to my side to fall asleep.

In the morning Robin and I both wake up. We know todays the day.

"Robin." I say. He stops pacing to look at me.
"If there's any chance of you running and escaping, take it."
"You're coming with." He says.
"No Robin. I want you take any opportunity to survive. Leave me if you have to." I say.

He shakes his head.
"I'm not leaving you down here, and if you think there's any chance I might estas tonta." He says.
"No Robin please." I say. He shakes his head.
"I don't care what happens, you're leaving this room alive today." He says.

I try to deny it but he walks over to me and grabs my face gently.

"Y/n. I'm not leaving this room without you." He says softly.
"Okay." I say.

I still am sticking with the idea that if I don't make it out he will.

The phone starts ringing.
"I should answer it." I say. He nods and walks with me.

"Hey Y/n." I recognize the voice instantly.

"Hey baby, looks like you got a little blood on your jeans."
"Yeah, how do you know?" I ask just glad to hear her voice.
"I can see you." She says.
"You can?"
"I'm with you. I've been with you this whole time." She says. I can feel my eyes tear up. Robin puts a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"We'll be together soon." I say.
"No." Robin says.
"He's right. You're getting out." She says. I shake my head softly.

"We've tried everything, nothing works."
"Yet." She says.
"Mom." I try.

"Listen to me. I've been watching you every day, since I left. You have been a fighter since forever. That's why you survived that night and I didn't. You are a fighter Y/n."

I feel a tear roll down my face.
"I'm not strong enough." I barely whisper.
"But together we are." Robin says.
"He is right again. You two are perfect for each other." She says. I smile softly.

"How are we supposed to defeat him then." I say.
"You have to kill him." She says.
"How?" I ask.
"Use a weapon." She says.
"The one in your hand."
"The phone."
"Fill the receiver with dirt. Pack it tight."
"Okay." I repeat it to Robin.

"You both are strong and smart enough to kill him. I just know you can do it."

"Will I still be able to talk to you?" I ask hoping for the answer I know she won't say.
"This is the last call." I close my eyes and breath holding back tears.

"I miss you mom." I say feeling more tears roll down my face.
"I miss you so much, and I'm so incredibly proud of you. I love you." She says.
"I love you too mom." I say.
"Now get out for me."
"We will." I say.
"Bye Y/n."
"Bye mom." I say knowing it's the last time I'll talk to her.

The call ends and I hang up the phone. I turn to Robin. He puts his arms out and I walk into his arms. He wraps them around me.

After a couple seconds I pull away.

"Let's kill this bitch." I say. He smiles.
"Come on."

He grabs the phone and rips the phone line with a hard tug.

"You pack it with dirt I have an idea." I say.
"Okay." He nods going to the dirt pile.

I grab the rope we had hidden away and grab the screws from the fridge.

I walk over to the walk way and sit in the floor.

I screw the screws in a bit leaving enough room for the rope to wrap around.

I leave the rope lose and walk past the hole and pull it. It tightens.

"That's so smart." Robin says.
"I know." I say smiling at him. He laughs.

"I'm done." He says.
"Okay." We put the mat back over the hole. He hangs the phone up.

We sit on the bed.

"Robin thank you for everything." I say.
"Y/n you're getting out with me. You can tell me when we're home." He says. I smile and nod.
"Okay." I say.

"But just in case-." I start to say.
"Stop." He says before cutting me off with a kiss.
"That works." I say after pulling away.

(A.n: thoughts?? also sorry for not updating much today it was my moms birthday so i didn't have much time to write

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