Chapter 1 |Missing the Past|

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It was a another lovely warm summer day and as I get up from my bed I get dressed clothes. I turn to my wardrobe and pick out some casual clothes snice it is too nice of a day to be walking around in something heavy. I planned on going to the village today snice I haven't been to Mr Pings Noodle House in quiet some time, it would be nice to catch up with Po snice I know he would likely talk about something random. Though I'm not sure what he talks about half the time I still enjoy our convocations. 

Once I'm finished I pick up and look at a picture of me and Tai Lung from when we were kids, "Miss you furball" I mumble under my breath as I caresses the picture then place it back down

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Once I'm finished I pick up and look at a picture of me and Tai Lung from when we were kids, "Miss you furball" I mumble under my breath as I caresses the picture then place it back down. I walk outside from my room and start walking to the village while greeting the servants from the place, I see Master Shifu and Master Oogway and greet them. "Good morning you two" I say in a gentle voice "Good morning Y/n" they both say back, "Still driving Shifu mad I see" I giggle as Shifu look distort in trying to understand Oogway's matters. Which happens more often than you think "I'm going to the village would you two like anything?" I ask tilting my head slightly "I am good but thank you for the offer. I will see you at today's lesson" Shifu says as he excuses himself. "You wouldn't mind getting me some mochi would you?" Oogway says smiling as always "Of course not but make sure Shifu doesn't find out" I say walking away and biding farewell. I hear Oogway chuckle as he too starts to go about his day as well, as I walk through the village I decide to go to Mr Ping's Noodle House. I've gone there many times in my past with Tai Lung snice we would sometimes skip training and sneak out to spend time together, I walk through and see that it is very busy at this time of day. I go and see Mr Ping and greet him "Good morning Mr Ping I see business is lively as usual" I say sitting down towards the side snice when I first came here Ping insisted I sit up here and not at one of the regular tables "Good morning Ms L/n" he says in return. Snice then I have always sat here when ever I come by then all of a sudden I hear thumps and bangs then I turn to see Po at the end of the stair case and groan "Sorry dad" he says looking over at Ping. Ping walks over with a bunch of stuff in his arms "What on gods green earth is that goose eating?" I think to my self and he walks over to Po saying "Sorry doesn't make the noodles" while putting down the things his was carrying. Po gets up and start walking towards where I am "Morning Master Y/n!" he says in his cheery voice "Po how many times must we go over this just call me Y/n" I say shaking my head and sighing. Po apologizes and starts to talk with his father, Po explains how he had a 'Noodle Dream' which is a lie because Po most likely had a fighting dream about the Furious Five again. As I see them talk and Po passing out noodles with one that has a Manji in it, Po tries to warm the bunny lady who took it but fails. 

Po and Ping then start to talk about Po's 'Noodle Dream' and how it's a sign, however Po asks Ping if there was anything else he wanted to do than noodles. Ping talks about how he wanted to run away and make Tofu but never did snice it was a stupid dream, Po then turn to me "How about you Y/n? Anything you wanted to do then Kung Fu?" he asks "I've always wanted to create my own style of fighting and have a simple life with the one I love" I say playing with my earnings. "Why didn't you?" he asks curious "Well for one Shifu will banish me to the spirt realm if he found out and two the one I love disappeared 20 years ago" I say frowning I never did like talking about my struggles snice Tai Lung's disappearance. Po looks at me sympathetically "What would your style be like?" he asks holding my hand with care "I would incorporate dance and flexibility therefore it would be easier to move around enemies" I say starting to feel a bit better. I giggle softly and I am then served with my own bowl of noodles, with green onions, some bok choy and bits of radish. I devour the bowl with in a few seconds and pay Mr Ping and bid both Po and Ping farewell,  Po nods as he turns back to Ping as Ping says that we all have our purpose in this which Po agrees then is given 6 bowls of noodles with 3 on each arm and is asked to do service with a smile. I smile at the scene then return back to the place and on my way I buy Oogway's mochi, once I arrive I give the mochi to one of the servants and ask they bring it to Oogway's room. I walk to the training grounds and sit near the doors I as hear Shifu play a flute "I feel like Shifu was a musician in his past life" I think as I see the students ready to strike, once they start to fight I notice some mistakes here and there butt they did a over well good job. I hope Shifu feels the same however once the fight is over he precedes to congratulate the then bombarde them with corrections, I sigh in sadness as I know they all are working hard to please Master Shifu. A servant comes and Shifu is giving corrections and shakes in fear "I-It's Master Oogway he wants to see you and Y/n" the servant says and I quickly stand up and nod at Shifu. We both run to the place however the reason I do is because Shifu intends to panic when ever he thinks something is wrong but I choose to support in running with him, once we arrive Shifu calms down however I stand still and slowly bow my head. "Master summon us..Is something wrong?" Shifu asks in small pauses. "Why must something be wrong for me to want see my old friends" Oogways replies as he gets off his staff, "So nothings wrong?" I ask standing next to Shifu "Well I didn't say that" Oogways says as he starts to blow away the candles one by one. 

Shifu face turn to disgust? annoyance? either or he wasn't having it and blows all the candles ot with one move. I try my best not to giggle and the scene before me as I know the friendship between Shifu and Oogway, "You were saying?" Shifu asks "I have had a vison" Oogway says turning to Shifu and I "Tai Lung will return" he finishes. "Tai Lung is returning to the Jade Place?" I thought to my self as I slowly widen my smile, however it is shot down and Shifu is shocked and angry and forgetting that I am in the room "That is impossible! He is in prison!" Shifu says as he is frantically breathing "Prison?" I mumble under my breath trying to grasp what I have just heard. "Nothing is impossible" Oogways saying in a soft voice then Shifu runs "Zeng fly to Chogun Prison and tell them to double the guards, double their weapons. Double everything! Tai Lung does not leave that prison!" Shifu raises his voice at the poor servant and Zeng flies away hitting a pillar on the way out. I start feeling dizzy and Oogway gently takes my hand "This is not how I wanted you to find out" he says softly and sits me down near moon pool, "How long did you know?" I ask with uncertainty in my voice. "One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it" Oogway says calmly as Shifu turns around "We have to do something. We can't just let him march on the valley, and take his revenge! He'll, he'll-" Oogway cuts off Shifu. "Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But ifyou allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear" We all stare into the pool then Oogway settles the water, revealing the reflection of an intricately carved dragon clutching a the scroll in its mouth. "The Dragon Scroll..." Shifu mumbles "It is time" Oogway says " But who? Who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power? To become...the Dragon Warrior?!" Shifu asks frantically "I don't know. However I believe we owe our friend here some answers" Oogways motions to me and Shifu's eyes widen, "Y/n! I'm so sorry-" I cut him off as I stand, "Your apologize mean little to me know...what hurts is you two knowing this for 20 years and not thinking to tell me!" I raise my voice which is something I rarely do. Both look shocked and lower their heads in regret, "I will speak to you both later I need to prepare for the choosing" I say in my regular monotone voice as I walk out of the room. 

"Tai Lung what happened that day?"


Word Count: 1624

That concludes the first chapter everyone I hope you all enjoyed this new journey!

See ya in the next one!


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