Chapter 4 |How it began|

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As I wake up from my nap at see that it's night fall I decided to go to the bunkhouse to check on Po, however before doing so I decide to change into some more comfortable clothes.

As I wake up from my nap at see that it's night fall I decided to go to the bunkhouse to check on Po, however before doing so I decide to change into some more comfortable clothes

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 As I arrive I overhear Tigress " Shifu found him as a cub. And he raised him as a son and when the boy showed talent in Kung Fu Shifu trained him. He believed in him. He told him he was destined for greatness. It was never enough for Tai Lung. He wanted the Dragon Scroll. But Oogway saw darkness in his heart and refused. Outraged, Tai Lung laid waste to the valley. He tried to take the scroll by force. And Shifu had to destroy what he had created. But how could he? Shifu loved Tai Lung like he'd never loved anyone before or since" I start to see the scene play out before me

Shifu peeks out of the Training Hall and finds a baby leopard cub on the steps. Baby Tai Lung pulls on Shifu's whiskers. Baby Tai Lung punches the training dummy across the floor. Shifu teaches Baby Tai Lung how to punch. Hard cut to a full-grown Tai Lung demolishing a training dummy. Tai Lung ransacks a village on his way up to the Jade Palace. He crashes through the doors, running towards a waiting Shifu and Oogway. Shifu leaps at Tai Lung to deliver a kick. Seeing only baby Tai Lung running towards him, Shifu pulls his kick short. Tai Lung counters with a devastating strike and Shifu crashes to the ground holding his broken leg. Tai Lung leaps for the scroll, but Oogway stops him with strikes at his pressure points. He falls to the ground in a heap. Young Tigress in the training hall strikes the dummy in the same manner as Tai Lung. Shifu corrects her form. Nothing more. Young Tigress looks crestfallen.

I shake my head and then hear Po says "How does Y/n fit into this though, legend has it that they shared a bond" I walk behind Tigress "We did" I say as everyone looks at me shocked. "I was born into a somewhat royal family, they were all Kung Fu Masters and Warriors of some kind. One day I met Tai Lung when I first came to the Jade Palace when I was a cub, we started to spar and spend time together. We used to sneak out from Shifu lessons and go down to the Valley, it worked most of the times. When we got older we grew closer but when it came to his ceremony I was called away by Oogway and left the day before. We spent our last day together and did what we loved without any interference, he told me that when he was the Dragon Warrior he would tell me something he had been wanting to snice we were cubs. That was the last time I ever saw him" I say looking down but continued "I was told that Tai Lung had disappeared and was never told the truth, I tired to look into myself but everything was a dead end. No matter who I asked in the valley no one gave me answer, everything of Tai Lungs belongings weren't there either. Through my grief and mooring Oogway gave my own palace within the Jade Palace, I slowly lost my love for fighting for a while. But I knew that either way I would have to move on and so I did, I started to help Shifu teach the Five" I finished as I look back at Po. "And now he has a chance to make things right, to train the true Dragon Warrior. And he's stuck with you: a big, fat panda who treats it like a joke" Tigress says to Po but then he makes a googly-eyed face then Tigress charges at Po but then if stopped my Mantis "Wait! My fault! I accidentally tweaked his facial nerve" Po falls face first to the floor, revealing his back is covered with needles. "And may have also stopped his heart" I smile slightly and go to help mantis take out the needles from Po. 

Once we finished I returned back to my palace for the night and then see Oogway and greet him "Off to another meditation session?" I ask softly "Yes however I wanted to gift this to you" he says as he gives me a well carved flute "Thank you but why?" I say looking at the instrument "Once you have completed your path you may play this to your little ones" I freeze and look at him "My little ones?" I ask "My vision has changed which rarely occurs...You have the future you wished for so long ago" Oogway says as he walks past me "Farewell my friend and enjoy your life of wonders" he says sweetly as he leaves. I turn around and see that he is gone "Goodbye sweet turtle" I whisper and change my course and go to the kitchen to think about Oogway words, once I reach the kitchen I see Po "Mmm, smells good in here Pan pan" I smile widely as I sit down with the others. Everyone looks shocked as I sound cheery and smiling "Hey Y/n love the outfit" Po says in return "Speaking of which why you giving me all the attention?" Po asks and I giggle "Because your the only one who knew from outside the palace gates my friend" I say smirking Po laughs and goes back to his story " you may be the scariest bandit in hajin province...but you're a lousy tipper" Po says as he is finishing the soup "Really? So... how'd you get out oft here alive?"  Crane asks "I mean, I didn't actually say that, but I thought it... in my mind" Po flips some bowls and expertly lines them up on his arm. He ladles soup into them. "If he... could read my mind, he'd have been like, 'What?'...Order up!" Po looks around expectantly and the Five (minus Tigress) digs in. As everyone gives compliments to Po I eat some noodles with the broth and start to think about what Oogway said earlier "Once you have completed your path you may play this to your little ones" I repeat the line in my head. "What could he mean by that?" however my train of thoughts are cut off as I hear Shifu "Oogway cannot, not anymore." I turn and see Shifu holding Oogway's staff "Our only hope is the Dragon Warrior" Shifu says however Tigress isn't happy "Master, please. Let us stop Tai Lung. This is what you've trained us for" but Shifu says "No! It is not your destiny to defeat Tai Lung. It is his" He dramatically points at Po... who is gone. Shifu and I go after Po we see Po running to the stairs and stop him, however as they're argument I hear something from above. 

I see Tigress stands in the moonlight outside the palace. She has seen what just transpired between Shifu and Po. She turns away, a look of resolve on her face... and leaps. She flies through the air, finally landing on a rooftop in the valley below. However I see the rest of the Five follow her "They're going after Tai Lung" I thought to myself as I turn to go see Po "Maybe we should call it a night" I say as I put my hand on Po's shoulder. He nods and we walk to the bunkhouse, as we walk I start humming a soft tune to try and ease Po's mind. I guide him to his room and bid him goodnight as I leave to my own room, I stop humming and look up at the stars. I tilt my head as I see a familiar figure at the top of my palace I jump up high and land on the gate and see golden yellow eyes staring at me, "Um hello?" I called out to the mysterious figure. However the figure said nothing and kept staring at me I decide to jump on the roof of where the stranger is and see the it's Tai Lung. He smiles at me "Still can't recognize me from a far can you?" he said teasingly, I look at him in surprise and run up to him and hug him tightly. "Tai Lung! It really is you!" I say starting to sob he returns my hug and picks me up from the ground, "Hello my little Lotus" he replies in a soft tone. I look up at him and place my hands on his cheeks "Hi cherry blossom" say wiping my tears away, Tai Lung places his forehead on mine. 

"It's good to be home


Word Count:1490

Hello fellow reader hope you all enjoyed another chapter! Just wanted to let you know that I'm about to start exam week so the next chapter might take a while as I get to the start of the next half of the school year. 

Please try to be patient as the next chapter comes out!

Thank you

See ya in the next one!


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