Chapter 6

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A month just flew by, with me and Saif putting our heads together to figure out what exactly was going on with both our fathers' companies. The merger had taken place a week ago, and everybody had been invited to a celebratory dinner the following weekend. The only information that we gathered was whatever Saif figured out from the inside of the company, and all he found out was that Uncle Asim nearly went bankrupt last year while Dad's company's reputation had tanked. For unknown reasons.

Sania was notably absent, although Mahi came to cheer me on. I was a bit hesitant to ask her about her sister's plan and the threat she'd made me but Mahi had told me she had no idea what was going through Sania's head before I had the chance to ask.

Saif had gotten a tiny bit warmer during this month, making me firmly believe he was just not interested in marrying me, and there really was nobody else.

Our marriage day arrived, and my father was very sentimental. Normally, I would've told him not to be this emotional and all, but I myself felt as if I was going somewhere even farther than Germany.

Even though Saif's house was like just half an hour away from ours.

The beauty parlour girls decked me up as a very pretty bride. As I admired myself in the mirror, I realized I really did look beautiful today. Relatives and friends were swarming around me in the bridal room.

Finally, Dad walked in, a warm smile on his face. He extended his hand towards me. "Come on, baby. It's time."

I held his hand, and he led me outside, in the hall full of people. The lights dimmed, and all focus was on me. This kind of made me nervous as I had rarely ever been the centre of attention anywhere.

It felt like years as I neared the stage, where Saif and his family were waiting to accept me. Dad kissed my forehead, and for the first time, I touched Saif's hand.

It sent shock waves down my arm, but I chalked it up to adrenaline and ignored the feeling. We smiled in front of the cameras, and I was sure Saif's was fake.

But mine didn't feel fake, even though I was trying my best to convince myself that was the case.


"You'll go straight to your new house," Uncle Asim instructed Saif, handing him a set of keys.

I watched, bewildered, "New house?"

Aunty Tara smiled, "Yes. Saif's father and I have given a new house to both of you as a gift."

I blinked but did not say anything. They were so nice! I nearly melted in a puddle.

I don't know why their son didn't want to marry me. It was not like he liked somebody else. And arranged marriages were the most common thing within our society.

Maybe it was because I wasn't pretty enough. I had a baby face and not a model face.

Shaking my head, I brought myself to reality as I realized we were travelling over a bridge to get to where this new house was. The car was silent, and the only sound that could be heard was of the tires. Very vague, that too.

Saif was making a zilch attempt at a conversation, so I contemplated whether I should. Finally, I decided to keep quiet.

After a while, he parked in front of a brown gate and honked the horn. The gates opened, revealing a very beautiful house. Saif helped me out of the car because my dress was way too heavy for me to be able to step out easily. His gesture made my heart flutter, but I didn't say anything other than a meek 'thankyou'.

He led me inside and stepped outside to talk to the guard. I smiled as I walked around. The house was 2 storey. And it was decorated beautifully. Aunty Tara's choice was really decent, I had to give her that. I wondered if the room was on the ground or first floor.

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