Chapter 7

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A few weeks went by, but I had still not discovered any sorts of abnormalities within the system. Things at work had started to look up as Saif had announced an internal investigation a day after both of us came to work.

As I sat in my office, rummaging through files and back-end reports, a knock at the door echoed through the room.

"Come in!" I shouted.

The door opened, and Saif stepped inside. The past week with him had been very comfortable. He made it so easy to live with him. However, he still remained distant and closed off his heart at times. I did not want to probe or make him uncomfortable because I was still a stranger to him and his life.

"Lunch?" He asked.

"What are we having today?" I inquired, turning my attention to him.

"Actually, I was thinking," he walked over, looking a little nervous. "How about we eat out today?"

My heart began doing strange somersaults.

"Out where?" I masked my fluttering insides with a normal, smooth smile.

"At this new Chinese place just outside," he answered.

I nodded, "Okay. Just let me finish this."

He walked over and kneeled over the desk. His strong cologne and presence were making my mind fuzzy, but I blinked myself back to normalcy. I figured all these feelings were going to arise inside me anyway since we were an officially married couple, no matter the arrangement we made before the wedding.

"What are you working on?"

"I'm checking the details of the cyber security system," I answered, clearing my throat. "Last year, there were four security breaches. I'm trying to find their details."

He made a thoughtful noise. His perfume was making me dizzy even though he used it all day, and our room smelled of it.

"Come on. Let's eat before we get back," he said with a heart stoping smile. I smiled and excitedly jumped from behind the desk.

"I was so hungry," I told him as he opened the door for me.

We walked down the corridor, and many employees greeted us as we passed. I noticed some girls looking at Saif with longing eyes.

And I didn't like it.

At all.

But I refused to discuss this with Saif because I felt I didn't have any right over him whatsoever. We had an invisible line between us, which I was very hesitant to cross.

After we ordered, Saif's phone began to ring. He had excused himself to go to the bathroom, so I didn't pick up the call, but I didn't want the incessant ringing to be a nuisance, so I tried to put his phone on vibration. But when I picked it up, I accidentally touched the green call button, and the call turned on, so I pressed it to my ear anyway.

It was Taimoor.

"Saif! I think Junaid is guilty. It shows a huge transfer of amount to his account via the company and is an overall shady person. We need an IT expert to get that information from his possession. All those transaction records and personnel information," he hurriedly spoke, without even greeting or waiting for a response.

Saif walked out, and I handed him the phone. He took the call outside and walked back in a few moments later.

"It's not nice to eavesdrop, Ayra," he muttered, looking at me.

"And I thought we promised not to hide any progress from one another," I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why did you hide that you guys found him?"

Saif sighed, "Taimoor wasn't sure, so I did not want to tell you until he was."

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