Wisteria* (GiyuShino)

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Modern/Supernatural AU

lonely!Giyu x dryad!Shinobu

Tsutako's death had a grave impact on Giyu's life, leaving him lonely and desolate. His only solace is his roommate, Sabito, but even he moves on despite his losses. His interest piqued after a childhood fairytale suddenly sparks his happiness, he realizes just how special one tree can be....

reincarnation, fluff, angst 


*This one-shot does not have a song

Ever since young, Tsutako had told him of a spirit that lived in the wisteria tree near their hometown. Before the modern era had occurred, people worshipped and prayed to the spirit there. 

"According to legend," she always began the story with a wide grin on her face, "there was a man who fell in love with the spirit of the wisteria tree. Every evening, he would walk up the hill to the spirit and talk to it, offering it food and flowers. The spirit of the tree gratefully accepted his love, due to her loneliness, and they became lovers. Eventually, the man grew old, while the nymph never aged. Heartbroken when his visits became less and less frequent, the spirit shut herself in the tree when he finally died." 

"That's terrible nee-san!" Giyu would always exclaim, and his sister would chuckle at his enthusiasm. 

"I know, Giyu, but eventually, it is said that the spirit will come again once the man is reincarnated. And then one day, the wisteria tree will come to life and thrive once again." 

Tsutako's face flickered with the dimming light of her memory, and he awoke with a start. 

It had been 2 years since Tsutako and her fiancee had passed away in a tragic car accident. Everything seemed duller and gray, without his sister brightening up his life. 

"Everything okay, Tomioka?" Sabito asked. He nodded at his roommate, who was surfing through the milk section of the store. He reached into the back, and pulled out a fresh carton. Giyu rolled his eyes. 

"Why do you do that?" 

Sabito shrugged. 

"My mom taught me. I guess it became a habit." 

He chuckled. He knew why Sabito came to this specific supermarket, 30 minutes away from their apartment. It was to see the cashier, who went by the name of Makomo. 

"The produce is fresher." the peach-haired boy insisted, "it's better that we go now than later." 

He reluctantly agreed. 


He leaned on the doorframe outside, as his roommate finally came out of the supermarket. He glanced down at the bag in his hands. 

"Took you long enough," 

"There was an issue with the machine," Sabito excused himself, "I'll load the bags into the car."

"Wait, Sabito!" the pretty cashier from earlier came and waved a piece of paper in the air, "you forgot your receipt!"

"Oh, thank you!" Sabito gratefully accepted the piece of paper. Giyu knew his roommate too well for him to be that forgetful. If anything, he probably left the piece of paper there on purpose knowing she would come after him. 

Suddenly, a petal floating in the air caught his eye. 

The striking color of purple tingled his skin with nostalgia as he remembered the childhood fairy tale that Tsutako had told him to get him to go to sleep. 

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