Anyone Else (SaneKana)

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Knight AU

princess!Kanae x knight!Sanemi

The picture of perfection, Kanae is set to inherit the throne of the kingdom of Chō, guided by her bodyguard and friend, Sanemi. But when she disappears just days before her coronation, her younger sister sets out to find her and bring her back. 

Song by Shayne Orok and Ali Orok


Metal clanged against metal as Sanemi fought viciously with his foe, who stood in his place obediently, barely moving a muscle, with the occasional spin and metal screeching. 

Kanae cleared her throat, watching her bodyguard spin around with the target, and he turned around, a smile on his face. His silver hair flopped around because of the sweat, and she giggled watching the target spin back around to hit him in the face, drawing blood. 

"You look ridiculous, you know," she teased, and he laughed. Despite her father's objections to her choice of guard, she had nonetheless chosen from the heart, just the thing her mother would want her to do. 

"I think of it more as building up reaction time, Princess. Shouldn't the future Queen be over in the courtyard, kissing babies and such? Greeting dignitaries and welcoming handsome Princes?" 

"Why, sir," she gave him a playful frown, "is that all you think of me? After all, I fight better than you can." 

She snatched the sword from his hands and gave one smooth strike, jabbing the target through the chest, and the statue collapsed from the lack of stability. 

Sanemi's eyes widened, but he fixed his expression when she turned around to smirk at him. 

"Not bad for a Princess." 

"Future Queen." she corrected him, handing the sword back. Sheathing it, he offered his arm, and she laughed, stringing her own through his. 

"I'd think that the Future Queen should be prepping for her coronation." 

She waved her hand in dismissal. 

"You know I hate the posh side of royalty. That's Shinobu's half of the coin," she smiled softly, looking off into the garden that was beaming with the brightness of evergreen and sun. 

"And not yours?" he asked, genuinely curious. 

"Maybe you should brush up on your royal etiquette. You're going to be guarding me and the rest of the kingdom soon," she suggested, switching the subject. 

"Maybe," he shrugged. 

There was a moment of silence between them before she looked at him. 

"What do you think?" 

"Of what?" 

"Everything," she sighed, letting go of his arm, "the royal life, my ascending to the throne, all of it." 

"I don't understand," he frowned. She shook her head, as if trying to dismiss the concept. 

"It's too much. All in one year? I thought I would have more time. What if I'm not ready?" Kanae buried her head in her hands. 

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