Important A/N

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Hello! So here is the thing I made a fan page/pov account (@mrs.lloydhansen) and I already have a pov on there. It started as a Y/N IG/Snapchat story after she moved to NYC to join the avengers and slowly falling for Steve, maybe not for the first time. But I want to extend it. The thing is I already have an avengers fanfic that I've been working on (I have a legend that I created when I was like 13 and I added that to it) for like a year but is not ready. Plus it was on Microsoft word and my account won't let me log in lol. Long story short this is not like that one story but it has the same names and the same idea but like a variant of it.

(UPDATE: November 20, 2022. Hi there is been a while but I just started college so I haven't had time. But one Mayor update is that I am changing Y/N to an actual name. Y/N is her alias and I feel like it would make more sense to give her an actual name her Alias is Sofia. I will be updating that soon Again I apologize for being MIA. I will be changing that on the published chapters by the end of the week. And it will be like that for the rest if the story until her real identity is revealed)

None of that matters LoL I just wanted to turn my pov into a story. Is going to be a bit different. Lots of pictures (will try my best) since the whole idea of it was for it to be Y/N social media. And is basically going to be like a one-shot. Not a lot of details. Or at least that's what I'ma try to do cause sometimes I get carried away. It is going to be mature but I will give warnings for smut (I'm not going to hold back, but tbh is probably going to cringe since I have no experience at writing that). I don't know how this is going to go but yeah hopefully you like it.

I'm just going to try a new writing style I guess (in my head this is a tv show so that's what I mean)

Also English is not my first language so I apologize in advance.

Disclaimer!! I created my legend when I was very young I always imagine it and I started writing it when I was in the 7 grade. I add it to a lot of my things cause the characters that these actors play help me put faces on my characters. That being said I did change a lot of their roots because I will not give room for cultural appropriation. This is my culture (Puerto Rican, I add some Native (Taino cause I barely see any Taino stories) and Sicilian ) and I know there is an abundance of talented actors that can play a bunch of these characters but, this is just stuff that I have dreamed off that I have turned into stories. This is why they have familiar faces to me, which is why I "cast" them as such. Not exactly sure if any of this makes sense but I hope you all understand (the legend started with aspects of the matrix X man and shark boy and lava girl 😭 but enough of that I won't be even mentioning a lot I think this is marvel fanfic with sprinkles of that)

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Her (Y/N) being part Native, (she is mix) is part of the story but I won't be mentioning a lot of it because I don't want to say something inappropriate but most of her native roots are from the Caribbean, and it has a lot to do with her family line. But again that is something very important that I will not use as entertainment, I want to be inclusive but do it respectfully. But if any of you are natives and want to educate me on how I can do it respectfully please dm me because it is part of her story and you'll see why later on. That being said, if anything is out of place, let me know immediately, and will completely scrap it from the story.

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