Chapter 6

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(a/n: Guys I really had big plans for this chapter but I am on heavy meds right now and really don't have the right mind for this right now. Please forgive me. Also not promising an update tomorrow sorry. The meds make me really sleepy. if this chapter is a floop please don't give up on the stories I promise the next chapter will be better.) (Please leave some comments lol)

Chapter 6

Imagine this scene...

Steve and Sofia burst the door of her apartment open, making out. Music ran under the couch, still attached to her leash.

He slams her against the wall attacking her neck and moves for a second to slam the door closed. Her flannel is on the floor. His cap is gone no idea where in the street it ended up. She pulls him down by his chain.

She rips his shirt off. His hands were all over her. She pulls his hair. As he went down her neck, on top of her breast.

She is about to undo his belt and he grabs her hands with one hand and pushes them against the wall. Turns her around, kissing the back of her neck. And just as his hand is about to slip into the front of her pants...

Sofia's POV

"AH," I woke up breathing panting gasping for air. Literally sweating.

"This can't be happening, not me having wet dreams with this man! like of anyone steve really?" I slammed my face into my pillow.

Two-ish Months later...

Today is the 3-month anniversary of us being in the academy. Kate is throwing a huge party in her penthouse. Ever since her mom was arrested and still in jail, she decided she didn't really want to live there alone, she had gotten an apartment in Chelsea. But now that the academy is back and going she decided not to take up space in the dorms since is only a short walk away. She did convince Clint and her family to move in with her. She always brags about it, oh but not in a bad way she is just excited about it.

We all know Kate she is so sweet and bubbly. As much as Yelena hates to admit it, even she missed that. The whole "mom being in jail and all" thing really put a turn in her personality and all, so is nice that she is coming back. Also, we all know Clint and his impulsive instinct of adopting people and how I am pretty sure is going to get him killed one day.

It was Saturday afternoon and everyone was arriving at the penthouse.

"This place of all the places in the city, this is the building she has to live in," I said to myself getting off the elevator, didn't notice Clint walking up behind me

"Look alive DeLa Cruz is a party after all," He said as he walked by smirking

"Noted sir" I snap back at him, one of this days... honestly he is doing it on purpose.

"Please, is Saturday. It's a party. We are all friends there is no need for all that" Natasha said as she was passing by too.

We have really become close these past few months. I feel is because we know Peter and got along so well with Yelena and Kate. But I don't know.

"Well I need a beer or two so let's go," Ruby said as she pulled me into the mess

"Oh good ya'll made it" Kate gave us a hug "Well help yourself let me know if you need anything"

Almost everyone was there, already; A bunch of recruits, Sam, Nat, Clint, and his wife his kids were elsewhere, Joaquin, Kate, Yelena, Esperanza, and even Bruce. Which was a surprise considering that he's been basically babysitting Loki in the lab.

Oh yeah, Loki is back and is trying his best to do good. He found himself to be really useful down in the lab assisting Bruce, does it make sense? Absolutely not but hey it is keeping him out of trouble. He goes by Luka now and cut his hair, changed  the color as well; I don't know, but hey everyone deserves a second chance. That's why Thor is always around to keep an eye on him. He is basically on house arrest though. He has two ankle bracelets one is to neutralize his powers, and the other keeps him in the tower. They decided to do it separately for emergencies.

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