Chapter 4

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Is been three weeks already. Every day of the training, the routine, me pretending, it gets easier, yet it feels heavier. I miss them I wish they were here. Two I know where they are but I can't talk to them. The other two I talk to them but I don't know where they are. I talk to them in my dreams but I like to pretend that we are just connected, In limbo.

I have a complicated family line. My birth parents were "too young" when they had us which is ironic because they were forced to have us. So they took us away. My aunt and uncle's family; who were also adopted, took us in they were so many of us that well I don't want to bore you with the details. I have two moms and two dads because my bio parents never abandon us they did everything in their power to be in our lives and our aunt and uncle (our adopted parents) made sure we had everything we needed not just material but emotional as well. It's funny because they were siblings (our aunt and uncle) they were twins. But raised us together.

My brother and I basically did the same thing when our cousins needed a family, someone to take care of them so we adopted them oh, and a niece.  Everyone says is ironic that we basically have kids just like they did. But in our family is almost tradition.

It was early in the morning yet again. As I was walking into the building and saw a familiar face.

"Oh well look at that! There she is" peter said

"Hey, kid! How you been I thought you were coming in august?" I hugged him

"I've been good. I finished earlier than I thought. How about you? stayed out of trouble?"

"Believe it or not!  She has" Ruby said

"Oh well look at that," he said as he hugged her

"Oh, you too know each other?" Tony said as he was walking in the lobby

"We meet in Boston, in a college coffee shop," Peter said

"Oh, you girls when to MIT?" He asked

"Well Ruby did, I went to UMass B"

"Oh miss Hale, into technology?" He said

"I dabble" she responded

"Incredible, how about you miss DeLa Cruz?"

"I dabble with technology too, but I went to nursing school" I responded

"Ah, finally I get one," Bruce said as he was approaching us

"Good Morning," he said we said good morning back

"Well, that's amazing! Wait how old are you girls if you don't mind me asking" Tony said 

"We're the same age," peter said (I believe they would be about 25 ish but don't quote me on that I'll check and fix it later)

"Oh," tony said

"We graduated high school early "

"Oh, impressive" he continued

"Are you going to hold up my recruits all morning stark or can I have them for the day?" Bucky said getting in the elevator with a serious tone, we had a bit of an argument a few days ago but obviously, no one knew.

"Of course, not Barnes, Ladies have a good day. Peter see you later kid"

Bruce and Tony left and we got in the elevator, peter did too he is part of Nat's group and we will be working together today.

"What's with the asshole-ly mood Barnes," I said and Peter and Ruby looked at me with wide eyes

"Woke up on the wrong side of the bed I guess" he responded

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