Chapter 4:The Birthday Celebration

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Back to Luna's village. Luna walks down to town square with her wolf and every one cheering her for turning 14 and she's nervous because she hasn't had an actual birthday party, so she don't know how to act or do so she goes with what her gut is saying to do, the towns people didn't mind and still ran the celebration and had cake and presents she never had presents so she had help opening them and she loved the cake she had and loved her presents. At the end of the celebration they went to have dinner in a neighboring town to continue the celebration but the town they went to is where the hunters came from 9 years ago so Luna is watching her back and her Wolfs back so they don't get hunted by the huntress. Luckily the hunters never came around while they had dinner they were out hunting but they will be back soon so they left as soon as they paid so Luna didn't get hunted. Once they got back to their town they went to there houses for the night to get to the other town and back they have to go through the woods so Luna led the way through the woods, Luna went in to her room and had help getting pjs on to sleep for the night and that night she had nightmares that the hunters got her and killed her like they did her family then she couldn't sleep the rest of the night so she stayed close to her wolf and told her that she was going out to find any remains of her family, Luna left a note "I'm going to go find any remains of my family in the woods were I was getting hunted 9 years ago. Luna." Someone saw the note and rung the town bell Luna was in the woods when she heard the bell and booked it so she didn't get spotted but when she came to the spot her home and family lived she dropped to her knees and cried she heard a sword get drawn and she turned her head it was Lisa the huntress but she was alone this time, I asked "what do you want" she replied "I want to help you" with a confused face Luna said "you killed my family." They talked for what seem to be hours how her village almost found out about something and she showed Luna the tattoo on her chest, and she said sorry for killing them but you have more family out there you don't know about because I've heard stories about them so I know they are out there you need to go find them they talk for hours then night hits and they make a small fire to not get noticed and not burn down the woods and she hunted for food found some coyotes, rabbits even some deer made those for dinner that night and in the morning they made what was not cooked the night before so the coyote was their breakfast and luckily Luna had some eggs because she didn't know how long she will be out there so coyote and eggs for breakfast then talked some more then finally Luna had to get back and the huntress stayed shes never going back but she was the daughter of the leader after her parents died so maybe in his will she would be made leader but nothing will happen if she tried to change things because nobody listens to her so she goes back to her village once she got back people we're waiting with pitchforks and torches to kill her for voodoo magic but she knows it wasn't her but the witch came forth and said with the old leader dead a new one is born and she is the leader now they were forced to stop by killing the leader you are sentenced to death but since I ran they thought I would die out there but then they saw smoke and knew I was alive and waited for my return. Back in Luna's village people were wondering why she ran off like that she explained it all and learned there was more family of hers out there somewhere and a pack member knows each other pack member so maybe they heard about my pack getting hunted and came to search for me knowing I was alive and well and then the party continued with the cake and more presents then I saw someone out of the corner of my eye but she ran off when she spotted me with me I can go into other villages but that was when I lived in the woods now I can't because I live here so if I lived in the woods still I would follow that girl later on find her again running away from her village. But nobody noticed anything of it so we continued on from first glance and far but with my sight of a wolf I saw her perfectly and she was cute I started to fall for her and I didn't think I would fall for a girl but a wolf and a human didn't go so well when I was born. I never told anyone after that because they can't know about her until the time is right they will kill her if anyone found out so I waited to see how it goes out and see if it can work out again with a wolf and a human without what happened 14 years ago, like they will kill my sister if they found out about her tattoo of the wolf so I don't tell anyone about it and I let fate decide my destiny and see if fate will allow forbidden love to happen again but I doubt it because she probably doesn't even like me back so why does it matter what happens I may never even see her again so she should just forget about her and forget she exists it's forbidden love anyways but that's not the last time she sees her. She leaves early from everything to clear her mind but at school she sees her again she becomes friends with her and they talk then find out they are from two different villages and they can only hang out at school so then she goes home and tells her adopted father she made a friend but not from her because I'm the only kid that's at that high school in this village. "Can I invite her. Please" he agrees on terms with both of them they sit next but far from each other and no talking to each other no drama and especially no dating, I agreed but had my fingers crossed and tell her those terms she agrees too so I invite her over and the moment he sees her he pulls a gun on her so I put myself between her and the gun, he tells me to move but I refused too and so he threatened to kill me so I did the only thing I grabbed her hand and ran to my forest home and he followed this time with a shotgun I howled to get my sister's attention because they hear wolf they come she comes alone thankfully and I explained who this is but I never caught her name and she tells us it's Niki and I explain to sis what is happening and I take Niki farther into the woods and sis waits for the mayor with the shotgun and he tries to shoot her for being a huntress but she killed the mayor and dodge the bullet they go back because Luna here the signal to go back and then they see his corpse and then they run leaving the body behind, Niki and Luna go back and that's when Luna drops that she likes her and Niki was like we just became friends then Luna explained love at first sight when she saw her the other day. Niki stayed with me and not go home and nobody cared I don't know what his problem was with you and me that he pulled a gun out on you but now he's de... oh hi "where's the mayor at" someone asked, we don't know where he is last I heard he went to get fresh meat from the woods, he left. Niki got attracted to Luna and they took things slow and kept it secret from everyone they started to hang out more in the woods not in the villages and then it happened all of a sudden she kissed her lips, Niki pulled back and asked what was that for, maybe we could take it a step further. She liked that idea then kissed her cheek goodbye she had to get home, Luna got back and saw two people dragging a body it was the mayors body and there will be a funeral tomorrow for his lost I don't technically have to be there because he's not really my dad so I went around the tree line and gave sis the signal of the howl and told her that they found the body, what happened to my home Luna starts to cry Niki comes and find them both and Luna crying and Niki comes up to her gives her a hug and says it'll be ok then Luna slowly stops crying and leaves them she's mad at her sis Niki catches up and ask what's wrong then she saw the grin her sister was giving them both, she hates two girls hugging because she thinks it's a sin but it's a sin to kill family and she don't care I want to kill her I can help I have access to vials of potions she will pay for it and if we can't we will get her arrested it's illegal to go into villages unannounced you will get thrown in jail. Come with me Niki there's something I want to do claws out "YOU DO NOT MESS WITH MY PACK" eww I just ripped out her eye, I never used my claws before and that was awesome you claim your my sisters we may have the same mother but you are no where close to be my sister, we left her there and then from on she hunts me down again and she is no longer in our meetings it's just us now Niki I love you, little did they know I'm listening in on them and she just said "I love you to her, eww" I hate gay people. Umm my senses are tripping she's here ready to kill, I need to kill her, I have a katana if that helps. Your dead meat huntress grabs heart out of huntress, crushed heart, let's go a Niki. Back at the village people we're waiting to tell me his dying with was to make me mayor I refuse the position because I want to be free no mayor for this village because that lives under democracy, what's she doing here she needs to be hung for treason, that made Luna madder than ever a blood moon appears claws out with one jolt of words that came out she said "DO NOT EVER MESS WITH HER OR I WILL KILL" everyone backed up slowly blood moon still there and claws still out, Niki let's go, and don't forget this I'm stronger with a blood moon. So when blood moon comes be prepared because if you piss me off during blood moon your dead just like the huntress. We get back to my house and Niki helps me and stays with me after that I'm weakened the blood moon is gone and I have to rest to regain my energy that I used during the blood moon. Niki remember this I love you I always love you. The blood moon that I comes every 2 years if someone interferes with it my body gets very weak and I have to regain strength to fight but I now have to wait 2 years for the next one, so now I rest and I'm happy Niki is there because she knows how to keep a wolf happy I have blood stains from the huntress and now its time to regain control of myself because I don't want to lash out on Niki. It's morning now and I have regained most of my strength so I go out and I see a newspaper outside my house it reads "wolf girl want for threatening an entire village," I show Niki and now I guess were both wanted for crimes and people keeping their distance when I walked out but someone needs to show them who's boss their electing a new mayor because the old mayor died and I refused the position and they want to live under democracy I want to be free of government but every village has government I see why Niki left her village I don't know how people would feel when we announce our relationship with each other, Niki brought up a good point we don't have to tell them because my village follow one thing no same gender dating, being gay is a crime here and they don't know that I'm gay and I will be killed for being gay so nobody knows so we keep it on the low side of things I tell Niki tomorrow we go back to school where we can be free she was happy and I let her stay with me. A knock at my door and I went to see who it was a guy with a shotgun ready to kill I don't let him in and the lights are off so soon he will leave if I don't answer the door but people here are smart enough to not fall for the lights off not answering the door trick luckily we sneak out the back door and run to my home in the woods and stay there where we can be free but then we will be found so can't stay there for a long time so we moved when we had the chance or it felt like we will be found I'm happy I'm with Niki but I think when I threaten the village they found out about our relationship and that is why a guy with a shotgun was outside my door Niki was happy too but sad that we are on the run till it all blows over and we killed my "sister" now it's just us against the world he's close the guy with the shotgun so we move and he found us and shot at us but misses because we're quicker than him. My ears ring from the bullet firing from the sensitivity in my ears from being a wolf a Full moon came out and I felt a surge of energy in me so I took my chances at it and  Niki had her sword that her village will take if she's captured there because she stole it from a guard while the guard was on duty and killed both of the guards so she's a wanted girl at 15 years old I'm wanted too but I always was wanted and I'm happy Niki is on my side and she's happy I'm on hers it makes life better and then we killed the assassin and my clothes reek of blood, dirt, and sweat with no change of clothes. So she is stuck like this till she gets more clothes that fit her and Niki would like a change of clothes too so we sneak back to my house and get clothes, we make it back since it night time and most people are asleep oh except for the night patrol so we sneak by them and get in my house and lock the door my house has no windows so we turn on the light get food and pack a bag full of clothes and my laptop and Niki does the same and she actually fits into my clothes so that's a win win, we get sleep and then we move out my mom left me some money when she past a week ago and got a new house out side the village and then later find out a village was vacated so we asked the president if we could have it and the president was like sure but if you buy it that means people can move into it and people will try to over throw you girls are you ready to take that risk, well we need to get out of our villages because how they turned out because I like girls and that's a crime in my village but in the woods I'm free but we will be spotted in the woods because Niki here can't survive on raw beef. She lets us have the village and we signed the paper for it and moved in it's a nice village but everyone was killed by people so we fix it up and it now looks better than before and then we moved in to a house and we got the biggest house and lived together but we can't officially be together yet but soon we can for that to happen we need a miracle to happen and world peace where we can live in harmony but it's all about government and people hate government so instead of buying two houses we bought one and it had two bedrooms because technically we can't share a bedroom but we did in my old house because it was one bedroom and then in the morning we got breakfast and heard people come and it wasn't just anybody it was people who hate government and the rules their villages put in place.

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