Chapter 16: Lycan's backstory

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Lycan is a brave wolf but he has a heart, people don't understand him he loves his sister but the curse that was planted on him by a powerful force forced him to drift apart from his sister. He never wanted to but our curses grew stronger and couldn't control it and it changed him but he the curse didn't fully control him because of love and love was strong enough to fight the curse so he went through millions of emotions from the curse and love fighting but the curse won and drew him out of control of his mental state he went out and killed anything in his way and almost died a hunter knew how to kill him and almost did but a trigger and he ate the hunter whole. Then he went into hiding than centuries later he came out of hiding and seduced a human to fall in love with him and had Luna. During the centuries he watched his back and went only out to get food and slept never to be seen again. He loses strength as he sits and does nothing so he's weak and he's retiring as Lycan and now have to wait 70 generations for the next one but the next generation is the 70th generation and Luna is born but she's not the lycan but the daughter of the lycan. Lycan grew old and then was waiting to be killed but he survives and goes out into the world and is shown on the grid and the hunters know he's alive still but they don't know he's weak, he gets put in a pack for protection because he's a lycan and there can only be one and wolves want him to live but a wolf killed Lycan when Luna was born and the hunters cut off his head but Lycan's spirit traveled into Luna and she is the lycan but she wasn't born the lycan since the lycan was still alive but once he died his sprit lives in her and she has the curse of the lycan and other curses from other generations. She is all wolf with, the powerful of her kind she's a lycan wolf human with millions of wolves and lycans in her, she doesn't know it yet of one of the curses planted on her that gives her the strength she needs to win. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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