Chapter 5:The War

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We went to the other towns and it started democracy and a war started and targeted our villages because they like the wars that we start so if they eliminate the weakest then go after the strongest so we got to our villages and warn them about war is coming. We came together to fight the war they went to the hunters village we were in the Luna's village so the hunters village fallen to the enemies then they came to mine and we were ready but they were more stronger we lost 5 people but then the president showed up with an army and wolves came and followed my command, and we were able to defeat 100+ soldiers and they defeated 50+ soldiers and then they took out 20 wolves but we were able to win because we were stronger with better weapons and the wolves were fast and i lead them into enemy territory I got couple of bullet wounds but not to bad and in enemy territory we took out 30 men I almost got shot in the back on my way back but a wolf my wolf took the bullet instead and managed to survive for a couple of hours with medics in the hunters village my wolf got care it needed and is alive then they started to retreat because we outnumbered them 30 to 10 the injured got treated and the dead got a funeral. The wolves got a funeral too and the alpha wolf that came got badly wounded and made me the alpha because the alpha  didn't know if she would make it and the wolves under the old alphas command with the alphas permission brought me the crown of wolves. So I turn down that position like I did mayor because I want them to live freely not under an alphas command. I had a dream last night where i changed the world for everyone hunters, wolves, anarchist everyone and so I'm going to make that dream reality so I got my friends to meet at the spot and we came up with a plan. Niki asked "How are we going to change their view points on us?" We will show them that being different does not matter we can all unite and be one with everyone Lisa liked that plan, and so I do my village and you guys do yours meet back here when your done. So we now separate and go to our village me and Niki talk on our way back and I confessed my love for her and she said "Once we bring everyone together our love will happen. Because I like you too but it's forbidden for now." We got to my village and Niki made a run for it through the woods that surround the village and i call a meeting with the mayors approval first but since the mayor adopted me he set me call the meeting, so the meeting goes on and go on and say we can change the world just need the 100 signatures for everyone to be able to go to other villages around without getting arrested for trespassing i feel like we an change the world by this and i hope you guys are on board with it. So i got 50 of the signatures I need 50 more before the deadline. Niki is at her village doing the same thing and got the 100 signatures she needs and so did Lisa now its up to me to get the 50 more but my village is small with only 50 people so it don't work out unless i go to other villages and do the same thing but the chance are high for getting arrested for it and the only way to enter another village is by announcing it to the village so I asked the mayor if I can get the permission I need to enter the other villages to get the 100 signatures ai need and he gladly did so I was able to go to other villages without getting arrested and I got the 50 more signatures I needed and I go to the spot and meet them there I got the 100 from two villages because I have a small village and they got there's so we went to the capital in the middle of the villages and we give the president the 300 signatures we got for to bring the worlds together and bring peace he looks over the signatures and asked "Did you really go out of your way to do this bring us world peace?" Yes sir we all said, "I've been trying to bring world peace for centuries but that only brought wars among the villages." But with this help maybe it will work I had to go to two villages to get 100 signatures so if that is saying anything other villages want world peace too or they would have not signed the petitions but they want world peace too you just have to believe that they will cooperation with us and we can have world peace. Then i pull off my hood and then the president looks at me for a minute and then says "I wish I could but I can't that breaks a treaty with other places I made." I said fuck the other places this brings world peace and how do you know if the other places broke the treaty already so why does it matter. I know I'm a wolf but I believed in world peace for centuries too but it never happened please just bring world peace because love is stronger than war and that love can bring worlds together because I like an anarchist Lisa was shocked but then she supported it and then president started to cry because how can a wolf and an anarchist like each other, love is stronger than a fucking treaty. So let me ask you do you want war or love? The president replied "I want a loving nation but it don't work that way," maybe it can if you give us permission to go to the other villages with you we can help you, do we have a deal "fine we have a deal" he said so we went to the other villages one by one and brought world peace. "These 3 lovely girls brought us world peace by doing a petition and got the 100 signatures we need." Everyone went crazy and war was commencing not just villages around them but every village starting with ours we rushed back white they got weapons and told the villages war is coming and starting with us and the neighboring villages then the villages went into battle mode and not going to let the villages fall and the hunters, anarchist, and my village came together to protect the villages blood will be spread but we don't stop till we drop dead or they do, they came in running and we held them off but they had more powerful weapons then i heard something and so do Niki then 40 or 50 wolves came out of the woods from other places than where I lived but they are my family and they came to help us in the war but it ain't enough we need a whole army we need to get other villages and more wolves then when I said that more people and wolves came to help us and now its even but we need more people then all of a sudden the president and his men came and fought for world peace and not world democracy and now we can win because we have better weapons and we ended the war with us winning and only losing a few wolves and a few hunters I'm sad about my family of wolves but now everyone can see how powerful love it and how weak war is because we brought together people to fight for what's right and bring world peace and love and now we don't have to live were we will get arrested for enter other villages and that means the love between me and Niki's love is no longer forbidden.

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