Chapter 10: Full moon

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A full Moon occurs when the Moon appears as a complete circle in the sky. We see it as a full orb because the whole of the side of the Moon facing the Earth is lit up by the Sun's rays. The Moon produces no visible light of its own, so we can only see the parts of the Moon that are lit up by other objects. Luna has experienced this once, Niki never did but tonight with the wolf pack she will get too, Niki and Luna with Midnight the alpha female she will get the time of her life tonight but Midnight just also lost a wolf under her command and other wolves will think differently of her now she's only been an alpha for 4 months after challenging the last alpha you have to be a beta to challenge the alpha and Midnight won against the alpha male Shadow, Shadow was about to retire as alpha so he let Midnight win because he's now an elder wolf too sick to fight he was an alpha when Luna's dad was alpha and that was 13 years ago when my dad died and was last alpha but legend says he was the alpha for more than 30 years he was crowned Lycaon he was the Lycan wolf when he was born and he raised up as a lone wolf but joined the pack he was alpha of and challenged the alpha that was an alpha of the pack for 100s of years he raised to the top and won against him but Luna never knew his name Niki gets told the full story and Luna is the next destined alpha but fate controls when Luna gets to be alpha of a pack and maybe its this pack when Luna challenges Midnight but that will be a long ways away  before that happens but the legend has it that the daughter of a lycan wolf is destined to bring the peace back between wolf and human but Luna does not know how because she thinks she can't because she's not her father, and she's definitely not her mother she don't know what she is but she has to figure that out before she goes and bring the peace that nobody wants these days because humans will be humans and wolves will be wolves Niki has gained the trust of the pack but in order to fulfill Luna's destiny she needs Niki and Midnight along side her as one but Midnight is very stressed right now so Luna can't ask for her help but hopefully Midnight will join her in the process of the peace between people and wolves. Niki gets to experience the full moon and luckily Midnight was a bit happier than before so Midnight and Luna gave Niki the time of her life that night and so now Niki can say she experienced the wolf way of a full moon.

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