Coffee house - Chandler Bing short imagine

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A/N: This is the first story I've written in a long time, so I apologise if it's different at all or not as good <3 but feedback is appreciated, thank you for taking the time to read it.

Summary: You quite literally run into Chandler at the coffee house and start talking.
Word count: 698

Your eyes sluggishly open as the sunlight peaking through the curtains beams a 'good morning' wake up call. You let out a grunt and roll over, hugging the pillow beside you and pushing your face into it trying to fall back asleep - it was no use, you were wide awake. You went out the night before and had some drinks with friends, so you could feel the hangover looming. Accepting you aren't going to fall back asleep you reach over to your phone and quickly check it, just to throw it back under your pillow and get out of bed. If you are going to be hungover, you might as well do it with coffee.

With that in mind you grab last night's shirt and throw it over yourself, making a bee line to the kitchen. Opening the cupboard and seeing you were all out of coffee, you scrunch your face, "typical" you murmur to yourself. Determined on getting your coffee you swap a problem with a solution and decide to go to the coffee shop down the street - one of the many luxuries of living in New York.

With in twenty minutes you were ready. With clean teeth, a shower and a somewhat clean outfit you found on your bedroom chair, which had slowly morphed into a wardrobe at this point. But it was a Sunday morning anyway, who cares?

Before you knew it, the bright neon lights lit up 'central perk' and the doorbell above rang after you. You headed straight to the counter and greeted him with a warm smile, "Hey, Gunther, just the usual please!" you chirped,
trying to hide the fact you feel like you're rotting inside out. You made small talk until your coffee was ready.

"Here you go, I threw in a free cake for the hangover", he smiled as he passed you the coffee and a little bag, "Have a nice day" he followed, turning to serve the next customer.

You were heading out the door and curiosity started to kick in. You couldn't help but to look at what free cake Gunther decided to gift you. As your eyes were more focused on the cake, you weren't looking where you were going and quite literally walked into someone, spilling your coffee down the both of you.

"I'm so sorry!" you quickly blurted out in shock. "No, i'm sorry - I wasn't looking where I was going" he apologised straight after.

You both profusely apologised for a few more moments, both insisting that it was your fault.
"Let's just agree to disagree, otherwise we will be here all day" he laughed lightly, before grabbing napkins out of the dispenser on the table and offering you one. "Thank you" you beamed, accepting one. In any other scenario you would normally have some angry New Yorker bite your head off demanding you pay for their dry cleaning, so it was a massive relief.

You dried yourself the best you could with the napkin, but there was still a big stain on the front of your shirt. "Thank you for your patience again, but i'm going to have to go get changed before this stains" you lightly chuckled, trying to excuse yourself from this situation that will most likely keep you up at night.

"You sound like one of my friends," he quipped, "Maybe I could take you out for coffee one day, you know, to repay the one I made you drop?" He smirked flirtatiously, If it was any other guy you would cringe and walk away. But there was something in him that you liked, "I'd like that. Call me?" you asked, with the intention of giving him your number. He reached into his pocket for a pen, before hesitating what he could use to write on. His hands patted his pockets, nothing, before pulling out another napkin from the dispenser with a laugh. He handed it to you and you scribbled your number on it, signing your name.

"Here you go -"
"Chandler," You repeated "I hope to see you soon" you smiled, placing a light kiss on his cheek and walked your way out of the shop with a smile.

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