Buying pads

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-Buys the ones she likes instead of yours as she swears they're better and wants to help
-Makes a little basket for you to store them all

-Keeps forgetting to pick them up, yet eventually does.
-"Look Y/N, I remembered!"
-"Thank you, babe. But I finished last week-"

-Gets distracted and buys the ones with pictures on them as well as the ones you wanted
-You find it adorable

-Is a little nervous when he goes into the store, but he doesn't let it embarrass him.
-Very confident
-Stares aimlessly at the wall, trying to pick
-Ends up choosing the wrong size, but it's the thought that counts
-Buys you chocolate as a bonus

-Ends up buying a notepad

-Is very nervous to buy them
-Acts all secretive as he walks around the store with them, doesn't want anyone to see
-Ends up realising that it doesn't matter if anyone sees, he becomes very proud of himself for getting them

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