Chapter 9: The Mirror of Erised

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Christmas was on its way and the next full moon was tonight. Seamus and Ginny were extremely happy to finally be able to get the leaves out of their mouths at midnight that night. Liz was happy for them, but she had other reasons to be happy as well.

That morning during breakfast, Oliver Wood came up to Liz.

"I have a very important thing to ask you. It's life or death." Wood said.

Liz laughed a little to herself. Wood was always dramatic. "What's that?"

"I want to offer you the position of Chaser." Wood said, "One of our chasers decided she didn't want to play this year....and she told me about you."

"I'd love to!" Liz replied, trying to keep the excitement out of her voice.

"Great," he grinned, "See you at the next practice."

Sadly, they had to go through a full day of lessons before the two could be relieved of the leaves and before Liz could go to her first quidditch practice.

Liz was currently ignoring an annoying Draco Malfoy as he bothered her brother. Lorcan did the same and Seamus just rolled his eyes.

"Does he ever shut up?" Seamus said hotly.

The other Gryffindor students broke out into silent laughter as they measured their powdered spine of lionfish.

Finally, the class ended and the four marauders made their way out of the dungeon. They walked through the hall and noticed all of the Christmas decorations.

"I can't believe it's so close..." Ginny said as she avoided another student running into her.

"I know right!" Seamus grinned, "This is going to be the best Christmas ever!"

Lorcan smiled softly, "It will be, now that you three are here."

Liz smiled at Lorcan.

Seamus teared up, "Aw mate. I'm going to start sobbing soon because of you."

Lorcan grinned, "I'll have to lock you in a closet if you do that."

Seamus grinned back, "You wouldn't dare."

Liz remembered Lorcan accidentally locking Seamus in a closet and she laughed a bit.

Hermione ran up behind the four, "Could you four help out Ron and Harry while I'm gone for the holidays?" she questioned. "They're trying to find books on Nicolas Flamel!"

Lorcan nodded, "Sure."

"Yeah, it's not like we have plans or anything." Seamus said sarcastically.

Hermione huffed, "I'm sure this is more important than any plans you might have."

Seamus glared at her and pulled his three friends with him, "I hate her." he growled.


That night, Liz and Lorcan headed down to the Whomping Willow to slip inside. Sirius and Remus were already there, talking quietly.

Sadly, their holidays had already started and Lorcan seemed pretty bummed out about it. "I just wanted us all to be able to hang out..." He muttered.

"We can tomorrow," Liz assured him.

Once the full moon rose, Liz transformed with Sirius as they watched the two werewolves transform.

Liz curled up next to Lorcan once he transformed, the scar from Lorcan fully visible. Lorcan had apologized so many times for it but Liz assured him that she didn't mind the scar. She actually liked it for some odd reason but she would never tell him that.

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