Chapter 4: The Sorting Hat

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The train had finally made it to the castle and it took the four new students a moment to realize. They had been so focused on their conversation that they had never really taken a glance out the window.

Ginny gasped in excitement, "We're finally here!"

Liz grinned, "Time to see if we all get into the same house."

Seamus frowned a bit but smiled then, "Hopefully we do..."

Lorcan seemed to be thinking. He gazed at Seamus for a long moment, "Why do you seem so upset every time we mention the Hogwarts houses? It's not like any of the houses are that bad."

Liz frowned, "Slytherin can be."

Lorcan shook his head, "I believe that not all Slytherins are bad. It's not like the moment you get sorted into the house, you'll go bad."

Ginny nodded, "True...some Slytherins can be really full of themselves though."

Seamus sighed, "My Mum was a Slytherin...I think I'll end up getting in that house..." After he said those words, he led the three with him out of the train.

Lorcan kept glancing to Seamus with a small frown. He turned to Liz and whispered in her ear, "He seems really worried..."

Liz whispered back, "I know...and the bruises on his arm make me worried."

Lorcan stared at her, "Bruises?" He seemed alarmed.

Liz nodded, "Yeah...I saw them when he first entered the compartment."

The two were cut off from their conversation when Harry appeared next to Liz.

Harry smiled, "Hey Liz! I made a new friend!" A red headed boy was next to Harry and he smiled at Liz.

"I'm Ron Weasley. Harry told me about you." He said.

"It's nice to meet you Ron. I'm hoping my brother didn't say anything too bad." Liz grinned.

Ron laughed, "Only some."

"Of course he did." she replied.

Ron looked to the three beside Liz and saw the other redhead, "Ginny?"

Liz looked curious, "You know Ginny?"

Ron rolled his eyes, "She's my sister."

Ginny frowned at him, "You're acting like that's the worst thing in the world or something!"

Ron smirked, "It is."

Liz glared at him, "I'm sure it's the other way around Ron Weasley."

Lorcan laughed at Liz's words and Seamus started roaring with laughter.

Ginny giggled a bit, "She's my new best friend."

Ron rolled his eyes and went with Harry to walk ahead of the four.

Liz grinned, "Was that the making of my first enemy?"

Seamus smirked, "Most likely. He looked mad."

Lorcan smiled, amusement in his eyes, "You just got here and you're already making enemies?"

Seamus whistled, "She might have started a new record in Hogwarts."

Ginny laughed, "Better write it down."

They made it to the lake, Hagrid making them all get on boats so they could continue their way to the castle. The four friends got on one by themselves, not really wanting anyone else on their boat.

Liz gasped as the Hogwarts castle came into sight, "Woah."

Ginny smiled, "Woah indeed."

Lorcan gave another of his soft smiles, "It's a pretty sight." He glanced at Liz as he said this though.

Mischief Managed: The Next Gen MaruadersWhere stories live. Discover now