Chapter 3: Train Ride

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Liz woke up the next morning early, her first thought  being Hogwarts. Sirius burst into her room, looking mischievous.

"Liz! I have a surprise for you....but don't tell Moony."

Liz tilted her head, "What is it?"

Sirius showed her a blank piece of parchment, that same mischievous look never fading from his eyes.

"Are you trying to tell me that I need to write to you?" Liz laughed.

"Well yes you do but this is even better." He pointed his wand at the parchment and said, "I solemnly swear I am up to no good." Slowly, a map began forming.

Liz looked at the map and gasped, "Is that Hogwarts?"

Sirius nodded, grinning, "It sure is! Your dad made this with me and Moony!"

Liz didn't correct Sirius' grammar at all, "That's so cool!" she exclaimed.

Sirius smiled, "You can use this to get up to the same mischief that we did and when you're done with it you say 'Mischief managed.'" The moment Sirius said those words, the ink on the map faded away. He handed it to Liz. "Take care of it, Lizzie."

Liz hugged Sirius, "I will."


Sirius almost seemed to be crying as he hugged the two twins, "Get into lots and lots of trouble. Write to us!"

Remus smiled, hugging the two as well, "I'll miss you two and please...don't get into too much trouble."

Liz grinned, "No promises."

Sirius laughed as the train whistled. "Oh! You two have to go."

Liz hugged Sirius and Remus one last time, racing up to the train and jumping on when it started to move. Harry followed her.

He turned to her, "Should we sit together or..."

Liz thought for a moment, "Let's sit in other compartments. We can make more friends that way."

Harry nodded, seeming a little worried, "Okay.." He took off to a random compartment.

Liz went to a different one that was empty. She sat down, looking out the window.

"Ugh whatever Ron." A girls' voice sounded outside the door. "Go find somewhere else to sit." She walked into Liz's compartment and smiled, "Hello! Is it okay if I sit with you?" She smelled really sweet, almost reminding Liz of a rose.

Liz smiled back, "Of course!"

The girl smiled softly and sat down across from Liz, "I'm Ginny. What's your name?"

Liz thought for a moment. Should she tell the girl her full name and not her nickname? She really didn't want Ginny to only want to be friends with her because of her fame.

Ginny looked to her curiously, still waiting.

Liz decided to only tell the girl her nickname so she could see if Ginny would truly be her friend without her fame. "I'm Liz. It's nice to meet you, Ginny."

Ginny smiled again, "It's nice to meet you too, Liz." She thought for a moment, "What house do you think you'll be in."

Liz smiled, "Gryffindor! My parents were in that house."

Ginny's smiled widened, "Same! I know for sure I'll probably be a Gryffindor. Hopefully we get the same house."

The compartment door opened once more as a sandy haired boy walked in. "Hello. Mind if I sit with you two?" He seemed to have a few bruises on his arm that Liz took note of right away.

"Not at all," Liz said, "What's your name?"

The boy grinned at her, "Seamus Finnigan. What's yours?"

Liz smiled, "I'm Liz and this is Ginny."

"It's nice to meet you both." He replied.

"Nice to meet you two." Ginny spoke up, "What house do you think you'll be in?"

Seamus' smile darkened, "I don't know."

The compartment went quiet for a bit before a Liz spoke up, "What do you guys think about pranking?"

Seamus grinned, "I love it! I prank my parents a lot."

Ginny smiled, "You could count me in. It's fun to get into some mischief once in a while."

With their words, Liz immediately knew she had met her friends for life. "Can I tell you guys some-..." She got cut off as a boy entered their compartment. Liz's eyes widened. The boy was extremely cute, that was the first thing she took notice of. The second thing she took notice of was the scar across his nose.

"Hello..." His voice was quieter than the others.

Liz smiled, "Hello there."

He glanced to Liz and a soft smile formed on his face. "May I sit with you three? Every where else is full..."

Ginny smiled, "We don't mind."

Liz nodded, "Yeah. What's your name?" She asked curiously.

"Lorcan. Lorcan Mercy." He said softly.

Seamus grinned, "Nice to meet you mate." He looked to Liz, "You were going to tell us something?"

Liz nodded, "My full name is Elizabeth."

Lorcan tilted his head, "Elizabeth...? I've heard that name from somewhere..."

Seamus grinned, "Sounds like your Elizabeth Potter."

Ginny's eyes widened, "Oh cool!"

Liz nodded, "Yeah...I guess...but I don't want to be called Elizabeth. I prefer Liz."

Seamus nodded, "I'll call you that from now on."

Ginny seemed confused, "Why didn't you tell me who you were before?"

Liz frowned, "I didn't want you guys to only be friends with me based on who I was....I want true friends."

Lorcan regarded her with an almost understanding look in his eyes, "I understand that. I wouldn't want fake friends like that either."

Ginny looked horrified, "I'd never only be friends with you based on who you were. I'll be friends with you based on what your personality is like and so far, I think your cool."

Seamus nodded, "Yeah!"

Liz smiled, appreciate. "Thank you." She thought for a moment, "That being said, I think I have something cool to show you all."

Her three new friends looked curiously at her as she pulled out the Marauders Map.

Mischief Managed: The Next Gen MaruadersWhere stories live. Discover now