Chapter 20

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Y/N's POV.
Its 5 am in morning and I'm helping the girls with their luggage and brought in the living room

The girls are back on tour and they will be going to Sydney, Australia for their first show. They should be by the airport before 6.

"Have you packed everything you needed baby?" I asked Ally, zipping her last luggage.

Ally walked right back from the bathroom, nodding her head with a sad smile.

I gave her a small smile and opened my arms. She didn't hesitate to run to my arms and hugged me tight. I could feel my shirt getting wet from her tears.

I pulled away and cupped her cheeks.

"Aren't you excited?" I asked her

"Of c-course I'm excited. I'm just gonna m-miss you Y/N. I wish you could come with u-us." she looked up as tears stream down her face.

"I'm gonna miss you too babygirl, but we will get through this okay? In couple of months, you'll be in my arms again. Okay?" I said. My vision is starting to get blurry as tears formed my eyes

I just wished management had just agreed that I could come with them.

I feel her caressed my cheek, wiping my tears. I pulled her in for a long passionate kiss, knowing that I'm gonna miss this soft and plump lips of hers. I pulled away and smiled at her.

"Come on, you don't want to miss your flight." I said picking up her last luggage and head downstairs. I saw the girls already in the living room and smiled at them

"Are you girls excited?" 

"Hell yeah! I can't wait to be back on stage." Lauren said while clapping and jumping like a little girl.

"I'm gonna miss you dawg." Dinah said messing my hair. I playfully slap her hand and fix my hair.

"Nah I won't miss you."

Dinah fake gasp and tackled me to ground. "WHAT IS IT WITH YOU TACKLING ME TO THE GROUND?!" 

"SAY YOU'RE GONNA MISS ME." Dinah said still holding me down.

"OKAY OKAY I'LL MISS YOU. NOW GET YOUR BIG ASS OFF OF ME." I said playfully shoving her.

"It's gonna be weird because you're not coming with us. You've always come with us. I don't know why management didn't allowed you now." Normani said.

"Yeah I don't know either. But, hey ya'll have fun okay? Ya'll are gonna kill that stage like you've always do." I said hugging the three them. I turned around and looked at my girlfriend smiling at us.

"Baby come here." I said pulling her in the group hug.

"Now come on, its a 30 minutes drive to the airport and its already." I checked my watch "5:25 am. Come on girls." 

I helped them put their luggage in my car. I opened the door for the girls and of course for my girlfriend.  I quickly hop on the driver's seat and drive to the airport. 

Once we arrived at the airport. The girls quickly entered the airport and wait for their flight to be called. I sat with my girlfriend while her head is laying on my shoulder. I played with her fingers and intertwined them with mine. I brought her hand to my lips and kiss it softly.

When suddenly a flash goes off and I look at where it came from and saw Dinah holding her phone taking a picture of us.

"Really Dinah?" I said, raising my eyebrow

"What? Ya'll look cute." she said showing us the picture.

"Aww we do look cute babe." Ally said

"Send it to me." I said smiling at her

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