Chapter 5

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Ally's POV.

"Girls come on let's practice. A few more hours then its showtime." Sean said and we got to the stage and get in our positions. We're rehearsing
Worth It first.

While we rehearse, I noticed Y/N is walking out the room.

Where is she going?

I shrugg it off and continue to rehearse with the others.

We finished rehearsals and we walked back to the dressing room to get ready for the show.

"Hey Ally, can I talk to you?" I turned and saw Dinah.

"Sure." I said

"Who are you talking to the phone earlier when we're on the car?" Dinah asked taking me off guard.

"Uhm-uh." I stutter.

"Don't be nervous Als. I won't tell anyone." She said.

Should I tell her?

"It's Troy." I said.

"What? I thought you're over with him?" Dinah asked shocked.

"I am! But I think I'm still-uhm."

"You're still what Als?" She asked curious.

"I think I'm still inlove with him."

"But I thought you had a crush on
Y/N?" She whispered/yell.

"I don't know! I hadn't figured it out yet! I think my love for Troy hasn't change, but for Y/N? I think I only love her as a friend." I said.

"You do realize you'll hurt Y/N right? Like friendzoned."

"What? Why would I hurt her?" I ask confused.

"Because she's inlo-" before she finished speaking she immediately clasped her hand over her mouth.

"She's what?" I ask curious


"Say it."


"Say it!!"


"Dinah Jane say it or I will tell the world that Laurinah is real." I threatend her. She gasped.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh I will." I said and pull out my phone and start typing on twitter.

@AllyBrooke: Guess what harmonizers!!! Laurinah is Real!! 😄😏 yup you heard me. They're dating for 2 years!!! Oh my goshhh. I'm so happy for them!   #LaurinahisReal

Before I press tweet I show it to Dinah and she gasped.

"Shit Ally don't." She pleaded.

"Then say it." I smirked.


"She's inlove with you."

"She's what?"

"She's inlove with you."

"She is?" I ask surprised.

"Uh yeah, for 6 years. Since you guys met. Don't you see it? When she's kissing your forehead or your cheek, the stares, when she sleeps beside you, how protective she is." She said and I shook my head no.

"I thought she was just doing that because we're bestfriends. I didn't think of that way." I said with sadness.

"Wow, you're oblivious." Dinah said and I sigh.

Bestfriends to Lovers (Ally/You)Where stories live. Discover now