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Arthit waited patiently beside Kongpob as the latter paced around the airport. He was so excited to meet his friend. Jade. Arthit had never heard of Jade, and when he first heard of him, he thought it was a 'she'.

Arthit had to admit, seeing Kongpob get so excited about meeting his female friend had ignited a burst of jealousy in him. But then he realised it was a 'he'. That did calm him down considerably.

"Ahh there he is!" Kongpob exclaimed as a tall white man walked towards them.

"Kongpob! Bro, look at you!" His accent was American, and his voice a deep baritone. He had sandy hair, cropped short, and a handsome chiseled face.

Of course he wasn't half as handsome as Kongpob, at least to Arthit. But if Arthit had been like his friend Tutah (who was obsessed with white dudes), he would definitely have found Jade very handsome indeed.

"Hey hey dude, wow look at you! You look just as you did back in uni, except you don't look as high as you did back then!" Kongpob said.

"What do you mean by 'as high' ? I am not high at all, I think."

Kongpob shook his head and they hugged each other. It was nice seeing this side of Kongpob, but at the same time Arthit felt kind of jealous. He had always liked to think he was the only one who got to see Kongpob's human side. Guess he was wrong.

Jade turned his head towards Arthit, and flashed him a grin. "And who is this beautiful man with you Kongpob? I didn't know you had started swinging that way."

Kongpob smacked Jade's head lightly while Arthit turned pink. How Arthit wished Kongpob would swing his way!

"He's my personal secretary, Arthit."

"Ahh I see. A pleasure to meet you, Arthit. You are incredibly beautiful!"

Arthit's ears turned bright red, and for some reason that irritated Kongpob. Why was Arthit turning red for no reason?

"Thank you Sir." Arthit muttered as he shook Jade's outstretched hand.

"Call me Jade!"

Again, Kongpob felt an unfamiliar annoyance in his heart.

"Anyway, Jade, if you are done trying to woo my secretary, let's go. I'll drop you at your hotel, and then come for some drinks later on."

"Aye Sir!" Jade said, flashing a wide grin and giving Kongpob a mock salute.


"Arthit, beware of Jade's sweet words. He was known as the heartbreaking prince at uni." Kongpob told Arthit the moment they got away from Jade.

The entire ride to the hotel, Jade had been flirting with Arthit like his life depended on it. And what annoyed the fuck out of Kongpob was that Arthit kept blushing.

Firstly, Kongpob had never seen Arthit blush out of shyness. He had seen Arthit turn red in embarrassment but not like this. And for some unexplained reason, Kongpob was annoyed that he had never seen Arthit like this. Had he really never complimented Arthit properly in all their years knowing each other?

Arthit laughed at Kongpob's statement.

"You sound like my mom!" Arthit giggled.

Kongpob pouted. Why isn't Arthit taking him seriously?

"I have to be your mom now because I don't want to see you hurt." Kongpob said indignantly.

Arthit looked surprised by Kongpob's sudden display of his care towards him. He would have said something, but they had arrived back in the office. It was time to get back to work. So he just nodded at Kongpob and got out of the car, leaving his boss feeling very edgy.

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