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"You and I need to talk." Arthit pretty much stomped his foot on the floor. He NEVER did that before. Like, NEVER!

Kongpob gulped. What did they have to talk about?

"A-about what?" Kongpob stuttered.

"About your weird behavior. What is going on Kong? Why have you been avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?" Arthit's voice was gentle, his face marked with genuine worry. He sat down next to Kongpob and took the latter's hands in his own.

Kongpob gulped. Had Arthit's hands always looked so chubby and edible?

"No, uhm why would you think that?" Kongpob answered, avoiding looking into Arthit's beautiful eyes.

"You have been ignoring me, and I have known you for almost a decade. I know there is something bothering you. So, tell me, what is it?"

Now how in heaven was Kongpob supposed to say that his problem was Arthit himself- everything about Arthit was driving him to the edge of madness, from his smell to his smile. How was Kong supposed to tell Arthit that without sounding like a total creep?

Luck, however, seemed to be on Kongpob's side, at least for now. The doorbell rang and the intercom buzzed.

"Kong, Arth, it's me." That was Jade.

Never in his life had Kongpob ever felt so relieved than he did right then. Good lord, he could have kissed Jade, he was that grateful.

Except, why in heaven's name was Jade calling Arthit "Arth"? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK???

Arthit had gone to open the door and presently, he returned with Jade tailing him.

"Got the two of you some KFC- it's my treat since it's my last day here. Damn, i'll miss the two of you, especially you." jade winked at Arthit.

Kongpob glared at Jade. Can Jade stop flirting with Arthit for like 5 seconds??

Arthit just smiled politely. Kongpob was relieved Arthit did not blush. He was getting annoyed of seeing Arthit blush because of everyone in the world except him. But then again, he was just Arthit's boss- why should he blush around Kongpob anyway?

Kongpob wished things were that simple. But fucking hell, he wanted to see Arthit turn red because of him, he wanted to be the cause of Arthit's beautiful blush and shy smile. Why should anyone else get that privilege?

Jade and Arthit were busy laying the table while Kongpob just sulked in the corner. Why were they acting so chummy? It was irritating. And what was worse was that they had been just like this for the past week, and poor Kongpob could not even take Arthit away because he himself could not talk to Arthit without wanting to devour him.

Kongpob pushed out the thoughts that were starting to cloud his brain with great difficulty. It was not a good idea to be thinking of how Arthit would look when Kongpob ate him out right then, or ever, for that matter. Kongpob was Arthit's boss after all.

Kongpob was jerked out of his thoughts (very rudely) by Jade screaming in his ear. When Kongpob glared at him, he smiled sheepishly.

"You looked like you needed to get yelled at. We have been calling you."

Kongpob rolled his eyes and walked over to where Arthit was laying the table.

"You need any help?" he asked. Arthit shook his head. Kongpob could tell Arthit was still tense about his behaviour. He truly did feel bad, but he had to keep himself away for the both of them.

Jade sensed the tension in the room and called out, trying to change the atmosphere, "Hey, y'all want some alcohol? I need some!"

Kongpob nodded and Arthit said, "Alcohol would be good."

Kongpob went to rummage for some alcohol in his basement and Jade followed him.

"What the fuck is going on between the two of you?" Jade asked.

"What do you mean?" Kongpob was surprised Jade had even noticed the shift in their relationship. Or had Arthit talked to him? That thought created a fire in his chest, so Kongpob pushed that thought away.

Why would Arthit be talking to Jade about life's problems?

"Oh please- it's so painfully obvious that you two have some tension going on. Maybe if you thought with your head instead of your dick, you wouldn't be having any problems."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Kongpob protested.

"Look, mate, I have known you for years, and I know you like to say you are straight as a rod or whatever. But I also know yearning when i see it. And the way you've been eye fucking Arthit the past week while running away from him just screams that you want him."

Kongpob was taken aback. "I-" He started to protest but Jade cut him off.

"You can try to deny it, and I know you will, but I know you know that you want him. Exactly why you've been running from him, isn't it? Look Kong, the two of you have a beautiful relationship, and I can see that you are already very comfortable doing things that romantic partners usually do, and in the midst of it all, if you find yourself catching feelings, it's perfectly okay. Don't run away from them- because it's only going to destroy the relationship you already have."

Kongpob was speechless. What could he possibly say? Denying the allegations Jade was making just seemed outright foolish and dishonest, while at the same time, accepting them would mean that he would have to accept to himself that he was indeed feeling something for his secretary.

"What's taking you two so long? I am hungry." Arthit's voice called out to them.

"Think about what I said." Jade said before going back to the dining room.

Kongpob stood there for a long time, contemplating what he should do, till Arthit called out to him again. He took the alcohol and went upstairs, his mind still reeling with Jade's words.


Things might get a little heated next chapter. Very little though. Anyway, I hope y'all are enjoying the book. 

Yours lovingly, 


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