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Arthit could not stop wondering what the fuck was wrong with Kongpob. The man had been glaring at Jade the entire ride back to Bangkok. Jade, who Arthit suspected was just pretending to be oblivious to Kongpob's death glare, had very resolutely looked outside through the window the entire time.

So, the moment he could, he grabbed Kongpob by the arm, surprising the latter for some reason. In his surprise, Kongpob lost his balance and down they both went, landing in a heap on the floor, with Arthit under Kongpob.

Arthit's heart almost stopped beating. Kongpob was on top of him, LITERALLY- and he himself was lying under the man he was crazily in love with. What in the world of Wattpad fiction was this???

And the surprising thing for Arthit was that Kongpob was making no effort to budge, he just lay there, on top of Arthit, staring at him in a way that made the latter feel hot. But then again, Arthit felt a little hot everytime Kongpob looked at him.

Arthit was thankful that they were at home and not in a public place, because no way in hell would he have been able to ever look Kongpob in the eye if anyone else saw them in this compromising position.

As Arthit held Kongpob's unwavering gaze, he saw a shift in the latter's expression. It went from one of surprise to one of ... hunger? Arthit wasn't sure.

Wait- was Kongpob looking at Arthit's lips now???? No no, surely that wasn't possible. Was Kongpob's breath really quickening or was Arthit imagining it all?

For a second, Arthit thought Kongpob might kiss him. But then, instead of drawing in, he pulled himself away from the former. Arthit was left on the floor, trying to quicken his dumb heart. For a second, he really had thought Kongpob was going to kiss him- how stupid of him to even think of something like that.

"I am sorry, but why in heaven's name were you pulling me?" Kongpob asked very casually.

Arthit shook his head and got back up. "Why have you been glaring at Jade?" He asked.

Kongpob was a little taken aback. "He is not nice- bitch never listens to me. You should stay away from him. Anyway, I am tired- I will take a shower and sleep now. Good night."

Saying so, Kongpob almost ran away, while Arthit just stood rooted to his spot, still trying to process everything that happened.


Kongpob let the ice cold water hit his body as he tried his hardest to shake off the very sinful thoughts in his head.

What was he even thinking? How could he even think of something like that? How could he think of wanting to kiss Arthit?? HIS SECRETARY! What was wrong with him?

But he couldn't help it. Arthit's lips had caught Kongpob's attention because they kept quivering as the former lay under him. Kongpob had been enamoured by Arthit's eyes- they were ridiculously beautiful, but then those damn lips had quivered, and Kongpob's eyes had just followed the movement.

And then, his eyes had landed on probably the juiciest looking lips Kongpob had ever seen. Fuck, did Arthit always have such ridiculously sinful looking lips??? If yes, why the fuck had Kongpob never noticed them?

And now, however much he tried, he couldn't shake off the feeling of desire that had crept up into his core- he just wanted to taste those lips. He hoped he had been fast in getting up and Arthit had not been able to feel his awakening member.

Kongpob ran his hands over his face- fucking hell, just thinking about Arthit's lips was making him hard. The cold water was supposed to help his brain clear out, but it definitely didn't serve its purpose.

Because Kongpob was left with very impure thoughts and a raging boner even as the cold water trickled down his body.


Arthit noticed the change in Kongpob- the latter kept avoiding looking him in the eye and he was stiff as fuck around Arthit. Arthit could not understand why Kongpob was behaving so strange, he had practically run off when Arthit had entered the living room.

"Kong-" Arthit had called out, but he was already gone.

Even at lunch, Kongpob had refused to eat with Arthit, saying he wasn't hungry. How could he not be hungry? He had barely eaten anything at breakfast that morning.

At first, Arthit thought something was bothering his boss but he didn't want to talk about it, so he didn't ask questions. But slowly, since Kongpob did not return to normal even after like a week, Arthit was annoyed.

So that evening, Arthit was going to put his foot down and ask his boss what the fuck was wrong.

Poor unsuspecting Kongpob had been having a very rough week. In the beginning he was just fantasising about kissing Arthit, but then, he saw Arthit in those micro mini shorts that he was always wearing, and fucking hell, his legs suddenly looked so ridiculously soft and creamy.

Now Kongpob could not bear to stand in the same room as Arthit without having all sorts of impure thoughts flood his brain. What the fuck was wrong with him???

The other night, he had been awake almost throughout the night because Arthit's t shirt had ridden up a little to expose his belly, and fucking hell, Kongpob had never seen anything cuter. GOOD LORD IN HEAVEN- WHAT WAS WRONG WITH HIM???

Kongpob could not look Arthit in the eye- how could he, when all his fantasies had been revolving around Arthit for the past week? He had tried to divert himself with work, tried to tell himself he had always been straight, had resorted to watching porn, but nothing worked. All he could think of was his secretary, who lived in his house for fuck's sake!

He had tried to keep his interactions with Arthit at a minimum, because he wasn't sure what he would do if he let their interactions run longer. What if he did something he would always regret? What if Arthit left him because he did something to offend him? Fuck, the thought of Arthit leaving him brought him physical pain.

But at the same time, he felt like a fucking teenager around Arthit. Everytime they breathed the same air, Kongpob felt like he was teleported back to his teenage days with all the raging hormones and acne.

And unfortunately, his desires were fast spinning out of his control. He was obsessed- and whatever he did, he could just not take his mind off Arthit.

So imagine his shock when once they entered the house, Arthit practically pushed him onto the living room couch and stood in front of him, his hands on his hips. He was trying to look intimidating, but he looked ridiculously adorable. Kongpob resisted the urge to smile at his cuteness.

"You and I need to talk." 


This is fun- torturing Kongpob is always fun lol

Yours truly, 


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