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Kongpob realised one thing. He liked seeing Arthit smile.

But he also realised another thing. He hated it when Arthit's smile was because of someone other than him.

For instance, right now, Kongpob could only glare jealously at Jade and Arthit as the two went on a water motorbike ride together while he himself was seated next to Arthit's mother.

Kongpob had gotten a call from his mom, and he had gone to talk to her. And when he came back, he saw Arthit and Jade on the motorbike together.

It was annoying.

"Jade is very handsome, isn't he?" Arthit's mother whispered to her husband. The latter nodded.

Kongpob's jaw clenched. Why was everyone so obsessed with Jade?

"You seem to have forgotten me already, khun mae." Kongpob couldn't help grumbling.

She smiled. "Ahh no no Kong... you are like my son, I am just saying that he is very handsome. And don't you think Arthit looks happy with him?"

Kongpob spat out his iced americano in shock. Why was she saying that?

"What do you mean?" He asked her, dreading the answer.

"Well, just that I have never seen Arthit looking so happy and carefree. And yesterday, I heard Jade flirting with my Arthit. Jade really is a sweet talker. And did you know, he even tried out pink milk for Arthit yesterday. How sweet of him! Ahh Kong- do you think it could lead to something?"

Arthit's mother looked at Kongpob hopefully.

"What something?" Kongpob asked, although he already knew what she meant.

"I mean, do you think he and my Arthit could be a good match? They look good together, no?"

Kongpob's mouth felt bitter. Why was he here discussing Arthit's future plans with his mother? And why did it make him so mad that Arthit's mother was thinking of Jade as a potential suitor for her son?

He just nodded to Arthit's mother and excused himself, saying that he had to call someone.

As he walked away from the beach, he made up his mind to talk to Jade ASAP.


"Stay away from Arthit." Kongpob hissed at Jade the moment he found him alone.

"Well hello to you too." Jade retorted.

"I am serious Jade- Stay away from him. I don't want him getting the wrong idea."

"What wrong idea?"

Kongpob rolled his eyes at his friend's feigned innocence. "Don't hurt him."

"Say Kong, what if I really want to pursue Arthit?"

Kongpob's face darkened.

"It won't work out." He said after a long pause.

"Why not?"

"You live halfway across the world."

"I could take Arthit with me to the US."

"Arthit wouldn't want to go." Kongpob stated, trying to ignore the rising anxiety in his chest.

"You don't know that. I am very good at persuading people."

"Persuading whom?" Arthit said, joining in the conversation. He handed Jade a glass of pink milk which the latter accepted gratefully.

"This stuff is so good! Isn't it Kong?" Jade asked as he took a sip.

"Oh, Kong doesn't drink pink milk. He hates it." Arthit intervened.

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