Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - Sophie's POV

I sat on my bed, staring at my carpeted floor. I couldn't stop thinking about that one word. Unmatchable. I was unmatchable. It's been a whole week since I was in the matchmaking place.

I cried a lot at first, thinking about how mad my boyfriend, Fitz, would be. Would he dump me on the spot? Would he laugh and make fun of me???

Now, I just feel numb.

My thoughts are interrupted by my adoptive mom knocking on the door.

I had told Edaline and Grady about me being unmatchable and they tried to convince me that Fitz wouldn't care because he loved me. But... Fitz is too good for me. He's cute, smart, sweet, and well, perfect. Don't even mention his shimmering teal eyes and his movie star smile that makes my face turn into a tomato.

Meanwhile, I'm... well... me. I am so weird compared to everyone!

Everybody in the Elvin world has blue eyes and my eyes are brown. Most people have 1 or 2 abilities, I have 5. Don't even mention my 5 bodyguards.

Anyways, enough of that. Edaline was knocking on my door so I slowly stood up and said come in.

Edaline opened the door and shut it behind her. "Hi Sweetie, how are you doing?"

"Doing great! I feel soooo happy!" I grumbled, my voice dripping in sarcasm.

"Look Sophie, I know you're upset but you will get over it eventually. Would it help to talk to Fitz?"

I sighed. "I do not have the guts to do that, Mom."

"How about you talk to one of your friends? Maybe Dex or Biana? Or Keefe?"

I nodded. "That's a good idea, I guess. Thanks, Mom..."

"No problem, Hun. Also, want some Mallowmelt?" Edaline says, smiling.

For the first time in a whole week, I gave Edaline a real smile.


Did you guys like it??? I know it was not the most exciting chapter, but I felt it was a necessary part of the story.

Any feedback or things I should add?

Questions of the Day bc Why Not:

1. What's your favorite KotLC ship?

2. Fav KotLC Book? Character?

Thanks for reading and have a good day, guys! <333 

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