The video

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With the Weaselings......

Arabella doesnt make coffee

Morty: No coffee today?

Arabella- Not unless yall say PLEASE !! Because yesterday yall wasted them. That made me cry.....

All: Pleeaaaaaase? *as they did the cute eyes*

Aravella- Awwwww ! Okay.

She makes coffee*

They waited*

Cappichio helps Arabella*

Arabella- Okay here yall go ! Just how you love them

They hand them over

They smiled*

All: Thank you! *starts drinking their coffee*

Arabella- Awww ! You're welcome ! Oh ! Tops showed me this very funny song on Tik Tok that I really wanna show you guys !

Tops: Okay! *shows them*

Arabella- Its me or the PS5 , tell me which of us is more youre type Seems like you cant decide ! So if its not me Im probably gonna run it over !

They watched*

Tops does the dance.

Tops- Fortnite battlepass ! I just shit out my ass !

They laughed*

Tops- Vooted up my PC , cuz I need me To get that fortnite battlepass !! I like fortnite , did I mention fortnite ? Its night time ! Its five o clock , so its basically night time ! I remember cartoon network Adventure Time !

Pentol laughs*

Axelle- Wkw !

Malikai chuckles, Jason laughs*

Arabella giggles

Arabella- What do yall think ?!

Ludel: It's hilarious!

Arabella- Im happy yall like it ! Everybody is singing it ! My Little Pony b Regular Show , South Park , Spiderman , Ninja Turtles !!

Tigs: No way!

Skurvy came in: Ahoy weaselings!

All- Skurvy !

Arabella- How is Aqua doing ?!

Skurvy: She's doing swell, as well as me kids.

Arabella- Awww you have kids now ?!

Skurvy: Aye, along with me brother Klump.

Tops- Thats nice ! What brings you gere ?!

Skurvy: We have two new toons who wants to live in dark town.

Arabelka- Really ?!

Skurvy: Aye!

Malimai- Who are they.

Skurvy: Come and see.

They follow them 

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