Krusha meets Emily

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Back with Maisie and the kids, they arrived home*

Butch: It is nice meeting Cuphead and the gang.

Jenny- Do uou think theyre going to come back and cry for us ?

Shorty: Maybe.

Krusha came to them: Hey Krunch.

Krunch: Oh, hey uncle Krusha.

Jenny- ( Quietly )Omg not another one....

Pipsy: Hello mister!

Krusha- Hello there.

Krunch: What brings you here uncle?

Krusha: Just to see how your doing?

Jenny- Mhm....

Jenny nuzzles Spike tired

Krusha: Sadly I'm still single.

Jenny- Oh.

Maisie: I'm sure you'll find someone.

Crush: Oh, I forgot to tell you guys, Annelle is pregnant.

Jenny- Oh great.... Couldnt you find a better time than out of nowhere ?

Crush: Sorry.

Annelle came with her sister*

Her oldest sister Emily Violet

Annelle: Hi guys!

Priscilla- Ey.

Emily: Hey guys.

Krusha sees her and is amazed*

Emily smiles aa sshe talks to them

Troy: You have a brother too?

Emily- Yep ! You saw first : I am the oldest sister and I have my paternal aunt's blue fur

Zell: He should meet Crooler, she's single.

Emily- I know ! But for some reason he does NOT like being around anyone like you guys

Maisie: Don't worry, maybe he's just shy.

Krusha came to her: Uh....hi...

Emily- Huh ?

Emily's eyes widened as she blushes pink at the big and muscular blue crocodile in front of her

Krusha holds a flower: Uh.... This is for you....

Emily smiled shyly and gently takes it.

Emily- Awww , thank you ! Violets are my favorite flowers

Krusha smiles: I was hoping it is...

She Giggles.

Emily- I guess you already know one thing about me ~ Coincidentally , My name is Princess Emily Violet. Annella's and Amy's oldest sister

Krusha: Pretty name....

She giggle

Maisie: Awwwww so romantic.

Scott sees two familiar faces: Oh no... Not them...

Night- Whats wrong ?

Scott sees Mike and Zoey*

Night- Really? Whats the problem ?

Scott: They're my enemies as well.

Night- Oh... But can you blame them ? Youre one sneaky ginger boy.( Smirks ) But youre MY handsome sneaky ginger boy ~

Scott smiles*

Night kisses his cheek

Hemi sees Maisie and her friend's jewelpets*

They're busy talking 

Luna and her friends see her*

Flora: Hello new friend!

Hemi: Hi there, I'm Hemi!

Luna: I'm Luna, these are my friends Aqua, Amazon, Charlotte, Flora and Luea.

Amazon- Mm hm

Hemi: Nice to meet you all!

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