The next match

21 0 0

Time skip with the Kids.....

The villains scored 20

But the heroes scored 20 as well*

Wally: Looks like the kids got 40 and the villains got 20.

The heartbroken jewelpets turned back into normal jewelpets*

Void groans: There goes five more of my jewelpets.

Vexa growled angrily

The five good jewelpets went to the heroes*

Wally: Next up is Boris , Mugman , Goggles, Sheba , and Tito

Mugman- I... Im kinda

Boris- Dont worry bestie. Itll be like one of the foes you and Cuphead faced. Only no finger lasers Mugman gulped

Wally: Now facing them is the Goon squad!

The goon Squad smirks as they appear.

Cuphead Announcer- A brawl is surely "Brewing" ! And begin !

They begin to play*

Void: Crush them....

Boris tries to dribble but one of the Goon Squad Members slammed him down turning him into an ink puddle. Mugman whimpers as he tries to dribble to the hoop but he is quickly coiled and slammed.

Mugman- Ahhh !

Krunch: Ooh.

Sheba gets nervous as she looks around trying to keep her guard up as one goon squad targets her and gets on the hoop

Timber: You can do it girl!

Sheba smiled and dribbled and kicks the goon off the hoop as she dunked it in

They cheered*

Tiptup: Yay!

Goggles dribbles the ball until he is in front of Chronos*

Chronos: You won't get past me nerd boy.

Isabela: You can do it Goggles!

Goggles smirks and dodged past him and made it to the hoop and dunked it in*

Isabela cheered

Back with Maisie, Bendy is starting to feel better*

Bendy- Okay... Okay.... I.. I think its going away

Maisie: Good, we need you.

Bendy relaxes

Cuphead: We're going to be up soon.

Cherly- Are you alright ?

Bendy: Yeah, I can do it

Cheryl smiles

At the court, the heroes got 60 points*

Wally: I say I say the heroes win again!

Vexa crossed her arms

Void: Hope the Monstars beat them to the pulp.

Wally: The final team coming out is Maisie , Bendy , Cuphead , Cheryl , and Jenny!

They came out and get on the court*

Blitzo cheers for Maisie*

Jenny is nervous as she wears the same cute outfit like Cheryl

Spike whistles*

Jenny turned red and playfully glared.

Jenny- Spike !!

Spike: Sorry babe.

Wally: Now the final evil team are, the MONSTARS!!!

The monsters came out as Jenny and Bendy got nervous.

Cuphead: Whoa.

Maisie growls*

Jenny sees Sweets smirking evilly.

Jenny- I'm taking her down

Maisie: We got this guys.


Cuphead- Lets just get this over with

They started the match*

Void smirks: This will be awesome....

Vexa- I hope they lose

Bendy gave Cuphead the ball*

The Five- The Cup !!

Cuphead shrieks and accidentally tosses it into Moxxie's arms by accident

Moxxie: Huh?

The 5 monsters , except Sweets tackled Moxxie as he yells.

Cheryl glares at Cuphead.

Cuphead- I panicked !

Maisie facepalms*

Cheryl dribbles the ball

Pound and Blanko are in her way*

Pound: Where are you going doll?

Cheryl- Doll ?!

She jumped up , opened her wings and kicks Pound in the face before she dunked the ball in the hoop as everyone cheers.

Cheryl- Dont ever call me ( Flips hair back ) "Doll"

Bendy: Whoa....

Cheryl chuckles as Sweets glared

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