Zak baggans museum

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I wake up and see I'm in my bed. Did
colby carry me in. So sweet. I look around for my phone and check the time it's 12pm. Why am I still so tired then. I get up and go to the bathroom. I see I'm in colbys sweater. It fits me quite nice honestly. I brush my teeth and have a shower since we are filming today. I walk out dry my hair and get changed. I keep colbys sweater on. I walk into the living room and see everyone their I also see Stas.

"Hi stas" I say smiling

"Hiiii" she says coming up to hug me.

Everyone is sitting on the couch with some pizza.

"When did we get pizza?" I ask sitting down beside colby.

"Nothing like pizza for breakfast" colby says leaning back.

I see Kat sleeping on Sam's shoulder.

"Is Kat sleeping?" I ask

"Ya she did not have the best sleep last night" Sam says rubbing her hand.

We continue talking and I ate a granola bar.

"What time are we going to the museum?" I ask

"Well probley 1 hour since it takes 4 hours to get there" colby says to me

"4 hours?!" I say surprised

"Oh ya I forgot to tell you oops" colby says laughing.

I see Kat open her eyes.

"Good morning sunshine the earth says hello" I say to Kat

"Good morning" Kat says sitting up.

Sam then puts his arm around Kat.

I go to my room after a bit and pack a bag since I forgot to. I got water and I brought a stuffie and just random shit. I waited a bit then we left. The whole car ride we just jammed and talked it was like a whole family road trip. I fell asleep twice. But I was tired could you blame me. We arrive and film the Intro outside then go inside. We get greeted by a girl who tells us about a museum and all the dolls. I like dolls this better not ruin that. First we started by talking a oath. Well that makes me feel better about this. After that we went walked over to a room filled with dolls.

"They are so cute" I say smiling

"What" colby says confused then looking over at Sam.

We walked over to a hole we had to crawl though I want with Kat and stas. I don't like fight spaces so I did not enjoy that. We appeared in a room with more dolls these ones were less cute.

"They have a doll they keep in here that is one of the most haunted dolls in the world so I think that is are first stop" Sam says to all of us.

We walk into a room.

"You guys all have to say hi to Peggy when we entire" Sam says walking in

We all say hi Peggy and look down.

"Anyone wanna look at her?" Colby says smiling.

"Rock paper scissors?" Stas says

We all do rock paper scissors and I lost of course but Sam said he would do it to. Sam does it first he has a staring contest with her and nothing really happned. It's my turn.

"You don't have to do this" colby says to me

"No its fine I lost " I say

I look up into Peggy's eyes. They are filled with sadness. I start feeling light headed and I feel a slight pound in my head. I start to tear up for no reason I feel a sad presence. I stumble back. I feel somone catch me. It was colby.

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